Tannoy VSX 12.2BP-WH Quick Start Manual Download Page 8


VSX Series

Quick Start Guide


Other important information

1. Register 


 Please register your new 

MUSIC Group equipment right after you purchase it by 
visiting tannoy. com. Registering your purchase using our 
simple online form helps us to process your repair claims 
more quickly and effi  ciently. Also, read the terms and 
conditions of our warranty, if applicable.

2. Malfunction.

 Should your MUSIC Group 

Authorized Reseller not be located in your vicinity, 
you may contact the MUSIC Group Authorized Fulfi ller 
for your country listed under “Support” at tannoy. com. 
Should your country not be listed, please check if your 
problem can be dealt with by our “Online Support” which 
may also be found under “Support” at tannoy. com. 
Alternatively, please submit an online warranty claim at 
tannoy. com BEFORE returning the product.

3. Power 


 Before plugging the 

unit into a power socket, please make sure you are using 
the correct mains voltage for your particular model. 
Faulty fuses must be replaced with fuses of the same 
type and rating without exception.

Important information

Summary of Contents for VSX 12.2BP-WH

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Page 2: ...Sde6 3mmodebayonetaprefijados Cualquierotra instalaciónomodificacióndebeserrealizadaúnicamente poruntécnicocualificado Estesímbolo siemprequeaparece leadviertedelapresenciadevoltaje peligrososinaislardentrodelacaja estevoltajepuedesersuficienteparaconstituirunriesgo dedescarga Estesímbolo siemprequeaparece leadviertesobreinstruccionesoperativas ydemantenimientoqueaparecenenla documentaciónadjunta ...

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Page 5: ...stated nominal impedance The use of underpowered amplifiers must be avoided as heavily clipped signals can cause permanent loudspeaker damage Limiters crossovers and equalisation points must be set in accordance with the settings provided on the TANNOY website This will ensure the optimum sound quality and long term reliability as well as protection from damage Neutrik speakON NL4 locking input co...

Page 6: ... Input Link Barrier Strip Input Link NL4 Input Link LF 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 LF 1 Discrete 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 Input SUB 1 Input SUB 1 Input SUB 1 Barrier Strip Input SUB 1 Input SUB 2 Input SUB 2 Input SUB 2 Input SUB 2 speakON NL4 Amplifier Channel 1 Amplifier Channel 2 1 1 2 2 NL4 Input Link Barrier Strip Input Link NL4 Input Link LF 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 LF 1 Mode Back Panel Connector Internal Schematic P...

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Page 8: ...zedResellernotbelocatedinyourvicinity youmaycontactthe MUSIC GroupAuthorizedFulfiller foryourcountrylistedunder Support attannoy com Shouldyourcountrynotbelisted pleasecheckifyour problemcanbedealtwithbyour OnlineSupport which mayalsobefoundunder Support attannoy com Alternatively pleasesubmitanonlinewarrantyclaimat tannoy comBEFOREreturningtheproduct 3 Power Connections Beforepluggingthe unitinto...

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