Tanita BF-683W Instruction Manual Download Page 3




Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scales allow you to determine your body fat
percentage at home as easily as you measure your weight.

What is Body Fat Percentage?

Body fat percentage is the percentage of fat in your body.  Too much body
fat has been linked to conditions such as high blood pressure, heart
disease, diabetes, cancer, and other disabling conditions.

The BIA Method

Tanita Body Fat Monitor/Scales use the BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance
Analysis) technique.  In this method, a safe, low-level electrical signal is
passed through the body.  It is difficult for the signal to flow through fat in
the human body, but easy to flow through moisture in the muscle and other
body tissues.  The difficulty with which a signal flows through a substance
is called impedance.  So the more resistance, or impedance, the signal
encounters, the higher the body fat reading.

Body Fat Percentage Fluctuations in a Day

Hydration levels in the body may affect body fat readings.  Readings are
usually highest in the early waking hours, since the body tends to be
dehydrated after a long night’s sleep.  For the most accurate reading, a
person should take a body fat percentage reading at a consistent time of day
under consistent conditions.
Besides this basic cycle of fluctuations in the daily body fat readings,
variations may be caused by hydration changes in the body due to eating,
drinking, menstruation, illness, exercising, and bathing.  Daily body fat
readings are unique to each person, and depend upon one’s lifestyle, job
and activities.

Tanita’s patented “foot-pad”
design sends a safe, low-
level electrical signal
through the body to
determine its composition.


What is Total Body Water Percentage?

Total Body Water Percentage is the total amount of fluid in a person’s body expressed as a percentage of their total weight.
Approximately 50 –65% of the weight of a healthy person is water.  Water plays a vital role in many of the body’s processes
and is found in every cell, tissue and organ.  Maintaining a healthy total body water percentage will ensure the body
functions efficiently and will reduce the risk of developing associated health problems.

How To Measure Total Body Water?

Deuterium Dilution Method is currently used as a typical method to measure a total body water percentage. This
instrument estimates the total body percentage by the analysis (Multiple Regression Analysis) based on the parameter
found by the BIA method. 
A mutuality over 0.8 is obtained between this instrument and the “deuterium dilution method”.


Deuterium Dilution Method is in terms of total body water based on the analysis of the dilution of orally ingested deuterium oxide in urine.

Healthy Total Body Water Percentage (%TBW)

The average total body water percentage ranges for a healthy adult are: 
Female: 45 to 60%
Male  : 50 to 65%


The total body water percentage of a person with a high percentage of body fat may fall below the average healthy ranges.  

Daily Rhythm of Total Body Water

Try to measure total body water percentage at the same time of day and under the same conditions.  This increases the
accuracy of the readings.  The best time is in the early evening, before the evening meal, when hydration levels are more
stable.  Total body water percentage tends to be underestimated to a degree if measured immediately after getting out of
bed,  not only because of dehydration but also because the fluid in the  body will be stored centrally in the body’s trunk.
As the day progresses this fluid becomes more evenly distributed due to the effect of gravity. 

On the contrary, it may be overestimated after exercise or taking a bath because of the movement of body water or a rise in
the body temperature despite actual dehydration.

Important Notes

• Take your measurements at the same time of day and under the same conditions. 
• Measured results depend on the movement of water in the body and/or changes in body temperature.  Factors

affecting total body water levels include sleep, physical activity, eating and drinking, illness and medications, bathing
patterns and urination. 

• Take fluid immediately if you have any symptoms of dehydration, particularly after physical activity or bathing.

Symptoms include a dry mouth, headache, nausea, dizziness, skin dryness, a rise in temperature, loss of
concentration, etc.  If symptoms persist, consult your doctor immediately.  

• Elderly people are at increased risk of dehydration as they have less sensitivity to thirst and other rational symptoms.
• This instrument cannot be used to specifically determine an individual’s recommended total body water percentage.

Look for the long-term changes in total body water percentage and try to maintain a consistent, healthy total body
water percentage.


Summary of Contents for BF-683W

Page 1: ...a referência GB D F NL I E P Tanita UK Ltd The Barn Philpots Close Yiewsley Middlesex UB7 7RY UK Tel 44 0 1895 438577 Fax 44 0 1895 438511 www tanita co uk Tanita Corporation 14 2 1 Chome Maeno Cho Itabashi Ku Tokyo Japan 174 8630 Tel 81 0 3 3968 2123 Fax 81 0 3 3967 3766 www tanita co jp ISO 9001 Certified Tanita Europe GmbH Dresdener Strasse 25 D 71065 Sindelfingen Germany Tel 49 0 7031 6189 6 F...

Page 2: ...n 32 Veranderan van gewichtseenheid 32 Automatische uitschakeling 32 Afleesnauwkeurigheid 32 Datum En Tijd Instellen Resetten 33 Meten Van Het Lichaamsvetpercentage 34 Bepalen van gewicht en lichaamsvetpercentage 35 Interpretatie Van Aflezing Vet inschalingsbalk 35 Gaststand programmeren 36 Alleen gewicht bepalen 36 Foutopsporing 36 Indice Introduzione 37 Principi del calcolo della percentuale di ...

Page 3: ...d to measure a total body water percentage This instrument estimates the total body percentage by the analysis Multiple Regression Analysis based on the parameter found by the BIA method A mutuality over 0 8 is obtained between this instrument and the deuterium dilution method Note Deuterium Dilution Method is in terms of total body water based on the analysis of the dilution of orally ingested de...

Page 4: ...instructions carefully Do not attempt to disassemble the measuring platform Store the unit horizontally and place it so that the buttons will not be pressed accidentally Avoid excessive impact or vibration to the unit Place the unit in an area free from direct sunlight heating equipment high humidity or extreme temperature change Never submerge in water Use alcohol to clean the electrodes and glas...

Page 5: ... and or gender the unit will show CLEAR If you select YES using Up Down buttons the existing personal data and tracking data will be deleted If you select NO using Up Down buttons no new data will be saved Existing data will be unchanged then the unit will be shut off 6 SETTING RESETTING DATE AND TIME 1 Set Year Press and hold the Down button for 3 seconds to turn on the unit Press the Up Down but...

Page 6: ...ottom of the display identifying where you fall within the Body Fat Ranges for your age and gender For example if the squares appear above 0 area your range is within the Healthy Range if they appear over area your reading is below the Healthy Range For more about the Healthy Range see page 2 Underfat below the healthy body fat range Increased risk for health problems 0 Healthy within the healthy ...

Page 7: ...uf Anmerkung Die Ermittlung des Körperfetts variiert mit der im Körper vorhandenen Wassermenge und kann durch folgende Faktoren beeinflußt werden Dehydrierung oder Überhydrierung wegen Alkoholgenuß Menstruation intensives körperliches Training usw PRINZIPIEN DER ANALYSE IHRES KÖRPERFETTANTEILS 11 10 Mit den Tanita Körperfettanalyse Waagen können Sie Ihren Körperfettanteil zu Hause genauso leicht ü...

Page 8: ...g des Körperwassers oder einem Anstieg der Körpertemperatur leicht überschätzt werden obwohl tatsächlich eine Dehydration vorliegt Wichtige Hinweise Nehmen Sie die Messung täglich zur gleichen Zeit und unter den gleichen Bedingungen vor Die gemessenen Werte sind von der Bewegung der Körperflüssigkeit und oder Veränderung der Körpertemperatur abhängig Zu den Faktoren die den Pegel der Körperflüssig...

Page 9: ...ätigung ein Fehler unterläuft Während des Programmierens wenn innerhalb von 60 Sekunden keine Tasten oder Knöpfe betätigt werden Nachdem der Messvorgang abgeschlossen ist Anmerkung Wenn die Stromversorgung automatisch unterbrochen wird müssen die Schritte im Abschnitt Einstellen und Speichern persönlicher Angaben wiederholt werden S 14 Tipps zum Umgang mit dem Gerät Dieses Gerät ist ein Präzisions...

Page 10: ...r Ihr Alter und Ihr Geschlecht fallen Erscheinen die Quadrate zum Beispiel über 0 liegen Sie im Gesunden Bereich Erscheinen sie über oder befindet sich Ihr Messwert außerhalb des Gesunden Bereichs Näheres über den Gesunden Bereich erfahren Sie auf der Seite 10 Zu wenig Fett unter dem gesunden Körperfettbereich Erhöhtes Risiko für die Gesundheit 0 Gesund innerhalb des gesunden Körperfettbereichs fü...

Page 11: ...lle de cette balance si vous portez un stimulateur cardiaque ou tout autre dispositif électronique implanté Cet appareil fait passer à travers le corps un courant de faible intensité susceptible de perturber le fonctionnement des dispositifs intra corporels Les balances impédancemètres TANITA sont destinées à une utilisation domestique uniquement Elles ne sauraient être utilisées à des fins profes...

Page 12: ...de de dilution du deutérium est la méthode type actuellement utilisée pour mesurer le taux de masse hydrique totale Cet appareil évalue le pourcentage total de masse hydrique par analyse analyse de régression multiple sur la base du paramètre obtenu avec la méthode BIA On obtient une mutualité de plus de 0 8 entre l appareil et la méthode de dilution du deutérium Remarque La méthode de dilution du...

Page 13: ...es renseignements personnels sexe âge taille etc La fonction Invité vous permet de vous peser sans devoir reprogrammer l une des touches mémoire L appareil émet un bip sonore lors de sa mise en service ainsi qu à diverses étapes de la programmation et de la mesure Ecoutez attentivement ces signaux sonores destinés à vous inviter à monter sur l appareil à vérifier les résultats ou à confirmer un ré...

Page 14: ... appareil sous tension A l issue de la programmation il vous suffira d appuyer sur votre touche mémoire afin d allumer l appareil L appareil émet un bip sonore pour confirmer la mise sous tension les codes personnels 1 2 3 4 s affichent puis l affichage clignote Remarque si vous n actionnez aucune des touches pendant 60 secondes l appareil se met hors tension automatiquement Remarque si vous comme...

Page 15: ...urs 5 et 6 Appuyez sur la touche SET pour revenir aux résultats actuels Afficher les lectures précédentes à tout moment Lorsque l appareil est hors tension appuyez sur votre touche mémoire Vos données personnelles puis 0 0 s affichent Vous pouvez naviguer entre les 10 dernières lectures datées avec les curseurs 5 et 6 Remarque En l absence de données consultables les curseurs et ne sont pas dispon...

Page 16: ...De metingen van het lichaamsvetpercentage zullen variëren afhankelijk van de hoeveelheid water in het lichaam en kunnen beïnvloed worden door dehydratie of overhydratie als gevolg van bijvoorbeeld alcoholgebruik menstruatie ziekte intensieve training enz 29 28 MEETMETHODES VOOR LICHAAMSVETPERCENTAGE Met de Tanita lichaamsvetmeter personenweegschaal kunt u thuis uw lichaamsvetpercentage bepalen gew...

Page 17: ...ijke activiteit eten en drinken ziekten en medicijngebruik baden en urinelozing Zorg dat uw lichaam meteen vloeistof krijgt wanneer u symptomen ondervindt die wijzen op dehydratie vooral na lichamelijke inspanning of baden Symptomen zijn bijvoorbeeld een droge mond hoofdpijn misselijkheid duizeligheid droge huid stijging in lichaamstemperatuur verlies aan concentratievermogen enz Als de symptomen ...

Page 18: ...utomatische uitschakelfunctie schakelt automatisch de stroom uit in de volgende gevallen Als u het meetproces onderbreekt De stroom wordt binnen 5 seconden automatisch uitgeschakeld afhankelijk van het gebruik Bij overbelasting van de weegschaal Als u een verkeerde handeling uitvoert tijdens het meten of bij verkeerd gebruik van een toets of knop Als u een van de toetsen of knoppen 60 seconden lan...

Page 19: ...uw lichaamsvetpercentage zich bevindt voor uw leeftijd en geslacht Bijvoorbeeld als deze in de 0 zone verschijnt bevindt uw lichaamsvetpercentage zich binnen de grenzen van het normale lichaamsvetpercentage als deze in de zone verschijnt bevindt uw lichaamsvetpercentage zich beneden het normale lichaamsvetpercentage Zie pagina 26 voor meer informatie over het normale lichaamsvetpercentage Te laag ...

Page 20: ...n van Uw voeten rein zijn en dat Uw voeten volledig op de juiste lijnen van het metend toestel geplaatst zijn OL verschijnt tijdens het meten Er kan geen uitlezing zijn als het weegvermogen wordt overschreden INTRODUZIONE Grazie per aver scelto una bilancia monitor del grasso corporeo Tanita Questo modello impiega la tecnica BIA Analisi Bio Impedenza una tecnologia all avanguardia per la misurazio...

Page 21: ...ento stima la percentuale di acqua presente in tutto il corpo attraverso un analisi di laboratorio Analisi di Regressione Multipla ed adotta gli stessi parametri che si utilizzano nel metodo BIA analisi dell impedenza bioelettrica Si ottiene una reciprocità di oltre 0 8 tra quest ultimo metodo e quello di diluizione del deuterio Nota Il metodo di deluizione del deuterio per determinare l acqua tot...

Page 22: ...accurate anche se le dita sporgono dalla piattaforma È meglio effettuare le letture alla stessa ora del giorno Prima di effettuare le misurazioni attendere circa tre ore dopo essersi alzati dopo i pasti o dopo l esercizio fisico intenso Mentre le letture rilevate in altre condizioni possono non avere gli stessi valori assoluti queste misurazioni sono precise in modo tale da determinare la percentu...

Page 23: ...per accendere l unità una volta programmata quando si preme un tasto di memoria personale l unità si accende automaticamente L unità emette un segnale acustico per confermare l attivazione i numeri di tasto personale 1 2 3 4 sono visualizzati e il display lampeggia NB Se non la si utilizza per un minuto dopo averla accesa l unità si spegne automaticamente NB Se si commette un errore o si desidera ...

Page 24: ...lizzarà l indicatore di Range sano Gli atleti possono avere un Range di grasso corporeo inferiore in base allo sport o all attività che svolgono Età utente compresa fra 18 e 99 44 NB Se non sono presenti dati di rilevamento i tasti di rilevamento tasti Su Giù non sono disponibili Se si desidera spegnere l unità prima dello spegnimento automatico premere il pulsante OFF Se nei dati personali il com...

Page 25: ...e este manual de instrucciones y téngalo a mano para futura referencia Nota Los cálculos del porcentaje de grasa corporal variarán según la cantidad de agua en el cuerpo y pueden ser afectados por la deshidratacióno la hiperhidratación causadas por factores como el consumo de alcohol la menstruación una enfermedad el ejercicio intenso etc 47 46 LOS PRINCIPIOS PARA CALCULAR EL PORCENTAJE DE GRASA C...

Page 26: ... total en el cuerpo incluyen sueño actividad física comidas y bebidas enfermedades y medicamentos forma de bañarse y micción Tome líquidos de inmediato si tiene algún síntoma de deshidratación particularmente después de una actividad física o baño Estos síntomas incluyen boca seca dolor de cabeza náusea mareo sequedad de la piel elevación de temperatura pérdida de concentración etc Si los síntomas...

Page 27: ...spués de 5 segundos según el tipo de operación Si se aplica un peso extraordinario a la plataforma Si comete un error durante una operación de medición o pulsando una tecla o un botón Si no toca ninguna de las teclas o ninguno de los botones en 60 segundos durante la programación Después de haber completado el proceso de medición 50 CAMBIANDO EL MODO DEL PESO Puedes cambiar el indicador de unidade...

Page 28: ...rará los datos programados La unidad volverá a emitir un pitido y la pantalla mostrará 0 0 Súbase ahora a la báscula Nota Si se sube a la plataforma antes de que aparezca 0 0 la pantalla mostrará Err y no obtendrá una lectura Por el contrario si no se sube a la báscula en un plazo de 60 segundos desde que aparece 0 0 el aparato se apagará automáticamente 2 Obtenga sus lecturas Primero se mostrará ...

Page 29: ...a plataforma de medición Aparece OL durante la medición La lectura del peso no puede obtenerse si se excede del peso máximo de la báscula INTRODUÇÃO Obrigado por escolher o Monitor de Gordura do Organismo Balança Tanita Este modelo utiliza a técnica BIA Análise de Impedância Bioelétrica a tecnologia state of art para determinação da gordura do organismo Precauções de segurança As pessoas que fazem...

Page 30: ...perda de concentração etc Se o sintoma persistir consulte o seu médico imediatamente Pessoas idosas estão sujeitas a maior risco de desidratação por terem menor sensibilidade à sede e outros sintomas racionais Este instrumento não pode ser usado especificamente para determinar a porcentagem total da água do organismo recomendado para um indivíduo Observe a alteração da porcentagem total da água do...

Page 31: ...dado permite você obter a leitura sem a necessidade de reprogramar nenhuma das chaves pessoais A chave Somente Pesagem permite a obtenção rápida do peso O aparelho emite um beep útil quando ativado e em diversos estágios do processo de programação e do manuseio Ouça estes sons que lhe orienta a subir no aparelho observe a leitura ou confirme a configuração A função desligamento automático desliga ...

Page 32: ...strados e o mostrador ficará iluminado Nota se você não operar o aparelho dentro de 60 segundos após ligar o aparelho desligar se á automaticamente Nota Se você cometer algum erro ou deseja desligá lo antes de concluir a programação pressione a chave Somente Pesagem para forçar o encerramento 2 Selecione um número de chave pessoal Pressione os botões de seta para cima ou para baixo para selecionar...

Page 33: ...ível navegar através dos resultados das últimas 10 leituras com os botões com a seta para cima baixo Nota se você selecionar o modo Atleta o aparelho não mostrará o Indicador da Faixa de Saúde Os atletas podem ter a faixa de gordura do organismo mais baixa em função da atividade esportiva própria a faixa de idade do usuário é de 18 a 99 62 Nota Caso não existam dados de pesquisa os botões de pesqu...
