Radio Fem
Radio ID: Unique code that identifies this radio
Friendly name: Name used to identify the radio on the network
5.9 Privacy Policy
Displays a privacy policy that will take you to our website for full details of Frontier Smart Technologies'
privacy policy:
Please visit the following page on a PC or mobile device.: www.Frontiersmart.com/privacy
5.10 Backlight / display
Time out: on, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180sec
High, Medium and Low are available for the On level.
High, medium, low and Off are available for the dim level.
5.11 Line output setup
Select Yes or No for the music output to confirm whether the music output is allowed or not.
For Local Speakers, select Yes or No to turn the sound on or off or not.
The radio can play thousands of radio stations and podcasts from around the world over a broadband
internet connection.
The station list
menu is provided via the Internet radio portal and is therefore only available when the
radio is connected to the Internet. Station lists and submenus change from time to time.
Represents a submenu to search for stations in different categories, Select the desired category and either a
further list of sub-categories is displayed or (if there are no further sub-categories) the available stations for
the selected category are listed.
The station last listened to is selected once restarted Internet radio mode. Select Menu> Station List>
History to select different recently used station.
Search Internet broadcasts for stations whose title contains certain keywords.
Select a continent from the menu and a list of the available countries will be displayed. Select a radio station
from the list to tune in to that station.
Presents a list of the most popular internet broadcasters from around the world.
Allows you to choose from a list of channels defined either by origin (worldwide / country), genre (music
style) or language. To view the list, select the option that shows the number of stations available.
Now playing information
Name/ description / artist and track info (if available) are displayed on the screen while playing. Press Info to
step through the following details: Slogan (standard; if available); Language / place; Codec and sample rate;
Playback buffer; Today's date etc