tams elektronik
Adapter for PluX- and 21MTC-Interface
4. Operation overview
The adapter is used to upgrade vehicles with a PluX or MTC interface
interface. There is a 22-pole socket soldered on to the adapter PCB
which is used to insert the plug connector of the decoder-sided PluX
interface. In order to connect the adapter to the the decoder-sided MTC
interface, the extra 22-pole plug connector has to be inserted into the
adapter PCB.
PluX interfaces
MTC interfaces
NEM 658
(or RCN-122)
NEM 660
(or RCN-121)
Number of pins
12, 16 or 22
Plug connector
on the decoder
in the vehicle
in the vehicle
on the decoder
PluX interfaces for different gauges
PluX-interfaces have 12, 16 or 22 connector pins and that way are
suitable to be mounted in vehicles of different gauges (or with varying
space requirements). The assignment of the different versions allows to
insert a plug connector with 12 or 16 connector pins into a socket with
a larger number of connections.
For both types of interfaces the position of an index-pin which should
not be used has been defined. By means of the index-pin you can
distinguish the direction for inserting the plug connector into the socket.
At the position of the plug connector in question the pin should be
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