tams elektronik
4.4. Operation mode 4 "Start-Brake-Stopover Switch"
Use in analogue layouts only
The Multitimer controls
braking, stopping and starting of analogue locomotives (e.g. in a
station or at a signal stop).
optionally: the signal position (stop or clear)
the driving characteristics of a locomotive in the connected rail
section. In conjunction with the PWM it is set to control the
locomtoive´s movement within the rail section.
Length of time for braking, stopping and starting
The length of time for braking, stopping and starting and the supply
voltage when starting has to be set via trim-pots. The maximum time to
be set for stopping is 4,5 minutes, you can reduce or prolong it via a
switch as required. The maximum time for braking and starting is 12
seconds. The supply voltage when starting can be set so that the
locomotive in fact starts without delay, but at a low rate. The maximum
supply voltage is not applied before the end of the starting time.
PWM for locomotive´s motor
It is possible to set either a low or a high PWM for the connected rail
section by corresponding setting of the jumpers. The PWM is the rate
controlling the locomotive´s motor. Whether a low or a high PWM is
more suitable, depends on the individual characteristics of the motor.
low PWM: higher motor output, but loud and possibly disturbed
engine running;
high PWM: lower motor output, but quiet and smooth engine
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