Example for the data transfer in the Tams specific data bus
There are five different detectors connected to the data bus, all
together controlling 13 separate track sections. In order to display
and exploit the data there are used:
four single display devices RCA-1 displaying the data from one
section each,
one 24-fold display device RCA-24, displaying the data from all 13
track sections,
one RailCom PC interface RC-Link.
Bus line
For technical reasons, there are two wires with a diameter of minimum
0,10 mm² mandatory as a bus line for the communication between
detectors, display devices and PC interfaces (lines A and B). In order to
minimise the vulnerability towards disturbances from other cables, the
two wires should be twisted. It is recommended to use twin wire (e.g.
LiYz, 2x0,19 mm², red-brown, item no. 73-30037)
The bus line has to be looped through from one to the other device.
When connecting them the lines A and B always have to be assigned to
the corresponding connection points A and B of the devices.
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