Page 1: ...I M 2 F nst Man 2020 Editi Formodel talla nua on V 1 2 l UNI SPHD atio al D 4 90 on Ins stallation Ma anual Hea M avy Duty SOP Mount Series P ...
Page 2: ... Recomm cket Torque et Torque ket Torque olar com ts Views orts to Panel clamp to pol embled pane and set arra race Brace Compon nting Pole Mount olar photovo Pole Mount or a flat sur very effort to n your insta er support a r com wing size Hex mended e to 240 inch e to 132 inch e to 84 inch L 1 80 s e el array to Po ay angle nents for 60 and 7 oltaic PV ne can support face mounti o ensure yo llat...
Page 3: ...her Nut flan Bolt Hex Washer Washer Nut 1 4 eel compone e mount 40 80 pipe a e 7 longer t m 1 PTION EL SUPPOR CLAMP T CLAMP B BRACE BR CHANNEL CHANNEL BRACKET PIVOT BRA RACKET CLAMP BR 3 8 16 x 2 3 8 16 x 1 Flat 3 8 H lock 3 8 16 Hex HD x 5 16 18 x x 5 16 18 x flat 5 16 nge 5 16 S x 1 4 20 x flat 1 4 SS lock 1 4 20 fin hex nts will show nd the 2 sc han the cen 1 800 819 RT CHANN TOP BOTTOM RACKET ...
Page 4: ...el supports solar com ews Bracket 1e t 2ea Swiv s m 1 ea Lower 4 vel Bracket 1 800 819 Pole Clamp 2ea Pivo 2 pair 34 Ins 9 7236 Ex p Bracket 2 ot Bracket Inner and O stallation Ma xt 556 2ea Lower 2ea Sw Outer Brace anual Hea M P Brace Bracke wivel Pivot B Channels avy Duty SOP Mount Series Page 3 et Bracket P ...
Page 5: ...he panel suppo lock washer l mounting pipe though ween them N ger than th ounting hole mp Brackets l supports w flange nuts pport side T ts over the 2 tighten and e just to ke square and m 1 to Panels protected s ave approxim the panels th the open r orts with rs and hex holes h both pane NOTE the 2 e center to es on the pa s on the pipe with the 5 1 s Insert the Torque to 1 2 pipe thro d distort ...
Page 6: ...om er Pole clam Pole Clamp uts flats and ng south Ke ue to 20Ft Lb pre assem location and or a few stro he 4 Pole C n the 4 Pole with the 2 U to hold into m 1 mp to pole p Bracket w d lock wash eeping the U bs mbled pane d equipment a ong individua lamp Bracke e Clamp Bra bolts flats o the VEE bu 1 800 819 ith the hers as U bolts el array to P available this ls et center an cket locks and n ut all...
Page 7: ...imate po on the basi er Brace Brac 16 x 7 8 bo st each othe e Lower Po the pole wi d nuts So it final positio m 1 et array ang p to meet th place a temp nel support brace e ding on the pa osition for th ic position ch ckets togeth lt and flange er ole clamp an th the 3 8 1 can be mov n is made 1 800 819 gle e angle porary ts to hold anel hole cen e lower Pole hart er e nut nd lower 16 4 U ved up o...
Page 8: ...s t used to hold Outer Brace e open side o m 1 e Compone to the Lowe d lower brac Channels to of the chann 1 800 819 ents r Brace Brac ce brackets t the Swivel b nels facing ea Ins 9 7236 Ex ckets with th together brackets with ach other stallation Ma xt 556 he 5 16 18 x h the 5 16 1 anual Hea M P 7 8 hex bol 18 x 3 hex b avy Duty SOP Mount Series Page 7 t flat and olt flats P ...
Page 9: ...e Pivot t inside the p Inner Brace h the Swivel bolt flat and uter Brace c e clamp asse onnect with Ft Lbs See b m 1 acket to the 18 3 bolt fla supports wi e to 12 Ft Lb tioning NOT t Bracket sid panel suppo Channel to Pivot Bracke d flange nut channels to p embly up or the 5 16 18 basic positio 1 800 819 end of the at and ith 5 16 x 7 s TE de ort the et with parallel each down so tha 8 x 7 8 hex ...
Page 10: ... 1 pipe on the lo ssembled 5 m step 4 torq E do not ove ptional Flat s mount can bottom pipe e lower brac e 4 U bolts carded 1 800 819 ower 4 pole 16 hex bolt que the 2 U er torque th t surface m n be mounte e clamps Th ce bracket w s would hav Ins 9 7236 Ex e clamp asse ts to 12 Ft Lb U bolts on th his connectio mounting ed to flat su he lower pip with 3 8 16 ve been inst stallation Ma xt 556 emb...
Page 11: ...support tamaracks The solar com following a m 1 are a few ex 1 800 819 xamples of Ins 9 7236 Ex flat surface stallation Ma xt 556 e mounting anual Hea M P avy Duty SOP Mount Series Page 10 P ...
Page 12: ...support tamaracks solar com Flat surf m 1 face adap 1 800 819 tation to t Ins 9 7236 Ex tapered p stallation Ma xt 556 poles anual Hea M P avy Duty SOP Mount Series Page 11 P ...
Page 13: ...arts to repa ems are not re oper installatio defect that ha more it does n nufacturer or it anufacturer Ta any claim relate defects by repa sed to repair o y injuries or da ught against Ta r party even if s This limita 1 800 819 ilding codes in s are appropria pplied parts as s of the PV array ters are used in ading wind spe icensed profes ree from defec when installed sible peeling o r of 1 the d...
Page 14: ...on h posure One Vertic ations only It l geotechnica neer familiar d criteria win 1 800 819 Diameter ches ches hole guid Categor cal 4 inch S t is the installe l report may with local reg nd snow seis Ins 9 7236 Ex Min Hole D 45 inch 40 inch delines ry C chedule 40 er s responsib be required t gulations and smic All of stallation Ma xt 556 Depth hes hes 0 Pole bility to valida to assess gro d build...