H.264 Network DVR
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"CHANNEL" Select the video channel(s) to set motion detection, choose "all" to apply motion detection to all channels.
"ALARM TYPE" Select Motion Detection setting.
"ALARM DELAY" Set the corresponding delay time (5 ~ 255 seconds), when the motion ends the system will record to the set point of the delay.
"RECORDING" Select the desired video channel for motion alarm recording. This mode allows the system to record by video motion detection
during a scheduled time period.
"ALARM DEV OUT" The corresponding alarm output terminal is activated in conjunction with the video motion alarm recording.
"SCHEDULE" Set the scheduled monitoring times. The DVR will only record when video motion is detected during scheduled time periods.
"SENSITIVITY" Set the sensitivity level to trigger video motion alarm recording.
"Copy The Current Settings To The Following" Allows you to copy the recording schedule to other DVR channels.
"Dynamic Inspection Area" Select "SETTING" and then enter to display the motion detection zone grid; 192 cells (16X12).
To select the detection zones, hold the left mouse button and swipe across the screen or click on grid cells individually. Green highlighted zones are
now set for motion detection; white zones are not set for motion detection. To clear detection zones, click and hold the right mouse button and swipe
across the screen or click on grid cells individually. (Figure 6-10)
Figure 6-10
Note: When copying parameters from one channel to another only the parameters will copy; the detection zones will not copy.