OY1211 LoRaWAN CO2 meter, User manual, Version 1.1
Sensor states and state check
The sensor has five states: Booting, Initial, Joining, Configure and Operational state.
Figure 1 Device states
When the unit is initially powered, it flashes 2 times with the LED, after a few seconds the
unit enters initial state automatically. This is indicated by flashing 6 times.
To check the device state, press the button and hold it pressed until the red LED starts
flashing after 0.5s.
LED response
Low power state during transport. Radio not active.
1 short flash (0.5 sec)
Trying to join a LoRaWAN network. The device
will remain in this state until successfully joined a
LoRaWAN network
2 short flash (0.5 sec)
Enables quick over-the-air configuration, by polling
server after configuration commands during 2
minutes. This is done by sending uplink status
command (0x20).
1 long flash (2 sec)
Joined to a LoRaWAN network, measures
temperature and humidity periodically, and sends
measurement reports toward a LoRAWAN network.
1 long flash (2 sec)