The water heaters have self-diagnostic function for safety and convenience when troubleshooting.
If there is a problem with the installation or the unit, the 510 (T-D2) model will display a numerical
error code on the 7-Seg LED on the computer board, and the 110 (T-KJr2) and 310 (T-K4) models will
display a blinking red LED on the computer board. If a remote controller is installed, the error codes
will be displayed on the remote controller.
Consult with the table on the following page for the description of each error code.
-Single unit Installations-
Example: If your unit has the “321” error code (which signifies an inlet thermistor failure)
110 (T-KJr2) and 310 (T-K4) models:
The red LED on the computer board will be blinking two times.
If the remote controller 9007666005 (TK-RE02) is installed:
It will display “32” on the screen in its entirety.
510 (T-D2) model:
The 7-Seg LED on the computer board will display “3”…”2”…”1” in that order one
digit at a time and continually repeat.
If the remote controller 9007603005 (TM-RE30) is installed:
It will display “321” on the screen in its entirety.
-Easy-Link System
or the 510 (T-D2) model only-
Error codes will be displayed differently with units installed within an Easy-Link System, not only to show
what the error code is, but to also indicate which unit within the system has the error code. Below is a
sample of how the same error code is displayed in an Easy-Link System.
Example: If Unit #2 has the “321” error code (inlet thermistor failure)
Remote controller 9007603005 (TM-RE30):
It will display “232” and on the display. The first “2”
indicates that Unit #2 has the error. The “32” indicates the first two digits of the “321” error code.
Owner's Guide
Parent unit:
It will display
“3”…”2”…”1”…”0”…”2” one digit at a
time on the 7-Seg LED. The first 3
numbers indicate the error code. The last
two numbers indicate that Unit #2 has
the error code.
Unit #2:
It will display “3”…”2”…”1 on
the 7-Seg LED, just like in the Single Unit
Unit #3 & #4:
These units will not display
anything, as the error code does not per-
tain to them.
blinks to indicate an
Error code on the
110 (T-KJr2) and 310 (T-K4) models
7-Seg LED
Error code on the
computer board
Error code on the
510 (T-D2) model
Unit #1
Unit #2
Unit #3
Unit #4