© TAKACAT GmbH - Friedel Hacker (Dipl.-Ing.)
Builders Plate:
The watercraft identification number (WIN/HIN) of
the inflatable boat is located on the type plate
attached to the transom and, from year of
construction 2020, also on the lower hull bottom in
the starboard stern area. The identification number
is composed as follows, by way of example: NZ =
New Zealand, TAK = manufacturer's abbreviation for
Air Yacht Ltd, TA078 = serial number, B = month, 0 =
year of manufacture 2020, 20 = model year 2020.
The manufacturer's plate also provides information
regarding the manufacturer, ISO standard according
to which the boat is manufactured (e.g. ISO 6185-2),
CE design class e.g. "C", max. number of persons,
max. load, max. engine, max. pressure of the hose
All information contained in this website has been compiled with the greatest care and to the best of our
knowledge. Nevertheless, errors cannot be completely ruled out. For this reason, TAKACAT (proprietor
Friedel Hacker - Dipl.-Ing.) feels obliged to point out that it can accept neither a guarantee nor the legal
responsibility or any liability for consequences resulting from incorrect information. The specifications of
the products which TAKACAT distributes and/or offers as a dealer have been adopted by the respective
manufacturer. TAKACAT accepts no responsibility for their accuracy. Maximum specifications apply under
optimum conditions (environment, system configuration, software, etc.). We are always grateful for
notification of any errors. Subject to change and errors excepted.
We wish you much joy with your Takacat !
European Contact:
353498 Bad Breisig
Tel.: +49 (0)2633-429654 / Fax: +49 (0)2633-200361
Email: [email protected] / Web: www.takacat.de