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How to finish IX l rib with a tapestry needle
�tt. JiJett9mMlfi-al'IJI. re
'C: j" cl
l'iJ IE llll ,
Thread the tapestry needle and insert the needle into
the last stitch .Pull through to the right side.
2. NH:H. "l".!ii;/dlll'Al>J rldl!J,J•, IH�frl/J,i\
Pull out the needle. Insert the tapestry needle into the
same stitch and the first stitch on the back row.
3. Je!i11dlti'cl, {LiiJh I., JAttiuull"ltl?A
Ji\l >& 11'1, c/1 !,\ Iii rl1i 'i' A Jl\2>& l�I.
Pull the tapestry needle through. On the front row,
insert the needle into the first stitch from the front
and into the scncond stitch from behind.
4. Jt:iiH,lt/i'i:L {l/,\iJ
Jell 9,liiili'l?Aeij
fr1"11f\lfiill\l, Jfc!,\l1tr11i1''l'AJi\2'ii'IJI.
Pull the tapestry needle through. On the back row
insert needle into the first stitch on the front row
from behind and into the second stitch from the