Installing the Radio
TM9100 Installation Guide
© Tait Electronics Limited
August 2005
must be used. For more information, refer to the service manual
and the online help of the programming application.
Connect a normally open switch between the pin of the input line
(pin 5 for AUX GPI2) and pin 15 (AGND) of the
auxiliary connector.
External Alert Device
The radio allows for output to external alert devices using the digital GPIO
lines of the auxiliary connector and the internal options connector.
AUX GPIO4 can be fitted with a power MOSFET (Q707) to directly
connect external alert devices (e.g. flashing light, buzzer, horn relay) to the
radio. Also, resistor R768 must be removed.
While the MOSFET is rated at 12 A (with heat sink), the
maximum allowable current of the connector and radio’s
earthing system is 2 A. Therefore, a horn must not be
connected directly to the radio. A horn relay must be used.
The selected output line must be programmed to ‘External Alert 1
or 2’, active to ‘Low’, and signal sate to ‘Momentary’.
Connect the external alert device to the pin of the output line (pin 10
for AUX GPIO4) and pin 8 (+13V8 SW) of the auxiliary connector
(or a different positive battery connection).
This means that the negative side of the alert device must be con-
nected to AUX GPIO4 and the positive side to pin 8 (+13V8 SW).
The external alert device must be capable of accepting a voltage of
between 10 V and 18 V.