Base Station Specifications
TB9300 Specifications Manual
© Tait International Limited August 2022
Analog Audio - CTCSS
High pass (subaudible) filter
Hum and noise
30 dB minimum at 250.3 Hz
35 dB typical (67 Hz to 240 Hz)
a. 1 kHz at 60% system deviation, CTCSS at 10% system deviation.
Tone detect
Tone squelch opening
better than 6 dB SINAD
Tone detect bandwidth
Response time
±2 Hz typical
±3.6 Hz typical
150 ms typical
Analog Audio - Gating Operation
SINAD gating
Opening level
RF hysteresis
Opening time
Closing time
6 dB to 20 dB SINAD
±3 dB
4 dB
60 ms typical
60 ms typical