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© Tait Electronics Limited 21 December 2005
Supported APS Units and their Main Features
Units Supported
The APS support feature in the TB8100 base station is intended to work
with third party products. Tait Electronics Limited does not manufacture its
own unit. The following third party units are supported:
Western Telematic Inc. (WTI) APS-8, APS-16, CMS-16, and CMS-32.
Black Box SW543A.
Any other APS that uses simple ASCII connect and disconnect commands
and responses
work satisfactorily.
Main Features
These features are standard on the supported APS units listed above.
You can connect up to 7, 15, or 31 base stations per site to a single PSTN
line or PC, depending on the APS chosen.
The units are configured as DTE (Data Terminal Equipment).
The units will support all baud rates recognised by the base station, i.e.
1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200.
Although the APS ports can be individually configured, and may be
password protected, the TB8100 base station
does not
support this.
(Note that in
“Common Configuration for all Ports” on page 14
password is left undefined)
The APS configurations are stored in non-volatile memory.
Data clashes are prevented using a Busy response, i.e. if one base station
tries to dial out while another is connected, it will receive a Busy
response, and can try again later if configured to do so.
The Service Kit or base station alarm dial-out software handle all
common errors such as busy, lack of response, or communications failure.
The APS can be powered from 115/230VAC or –48 VDC (depending
on the model). The power consumption is approximately 5 W.