2.4.3 Device Settings
Setting the parameter of HCS-5335 system:
Figure2.11: Device Settings
Device name:
set the name of HCS-5335M Digital IR Wireless Conference Combo Unit;
IP Address:
IP address of HCS-5335M;
the IP address, netmask and gateway can be got automatically when power on if the DHCP is “ON”, and you
can set them manually if DHCP is “OFF”. Then click “Save” and reboot the device to apply the setting;
Hardware version;
Web version;
Select language:
select the operation language;
Operation mode:
If the number of active Mic. is less than 2, a further delegate microphone can be activated;
Active microphones:
the number of maximum active microphones (2 pcs);
Mic ring color:
selects the color (red/green) of active microphone ring and its unit indicator;
Mic auto close time:
In case of a speech pause (range: on, 1 to 10 minutes), the microphone will turn off
Date of manufacture
Firmware version
DSP version
Dante parameters:
displays the device name of Dante and its software version and firmware version;
restore to the default of HCS-5335M (IP address:; netmask:;
set the password.