TAG MCLAREN AUDIO PA10 User Manual Download Page 1







tape 1

tape 2

tape 3




tape 1

tape 2

tape 3



selector knob











selector knob




























~ 50-60Hz

Fuse: T1A L 250V

made in United Kingdom







tape in/out


turntable input










ac supply


PA1 1234567


0 2

w e l c o m e

0 8

k e y   f e a t u r e s  

0 9

g e t t i n g   s t a r t e d

1 1

s e l e c t i n g   a n   i n p u t

1 3

c o n n e c t i n g   a   t u r n t a b l e

1 4

v o l u m e   c o n t r o l

1 5

h e a d p h o n e s

1 6

g r o u n d i n g

1 8

o u t p u t s

1 9

c o n n e c t i n g   p o w e r   a m p l i f i e r s

2 5

r u n n i n g   i n   a n d   w a r m i n g   u p

2 6

c a r e   a n d   m a i n t e n a n c e

2 8

t e c h n i c a l   d a t a

3 2

i n t e r n a t i o n a l   s t a n d a r d s

Specification shown may vary for different countries

GRA00046.1-[CA]PA10  13/03/01  10:41  Page 1

Summary of Contents for PA10

Page 1: ...T P U T T A P E S O U R C E P H O N O fuse carrier tape in out sockets turntable input sockets ground terminal output sockets input sockets mm mc selector ac supply socket PA1 1234567 c o n t e n t s 0 2 welcome 0 8 key features 0 9 getting started 1 1 selecting an input 1 3 connecting a turntable 1 4 volume control 1 5 headphones 1 6 grounding 1 8 outputs 1 9 connecting power amplifiers 2 5 runni...

Page 2: ...nal excellence and sheer listening pleasure celebrating a TAG McLaren victory All TAG companies perpetually strive for and achieve excellence and high performance in every area of their business These qualities are demonstrated in the fastidious standards that makeTAG Heuer watches some of the world s most admired in the teamwork that makesTAG McLaren s motor racing team one of the most successful...

Page 3: ...ile listening to another low intermodulation distortion The theoretically ideal preamplifier reproduces sound perfectly over an infinite range of frequencies starting from well below the audible range and extending far welcome welcome 05 04 Thank you for purchasing theTAG McLaren Audio preamplifier PA10 above the capabilities of human hearing Although sound outside the human hearing range of appro...

Page 4: ...gh values of capacitance that must be used versatile output Two sets of output sockets are provided for connection to power amplifiers The outputs are buffered and have low impedance so they can supply more than one power amplifier e g for multi room installations They also allow long cables to be used A switch on the front panel mutes the output and redirects it to a separate Class A amplifier to...

Page 5: ...f your power amplifier 09 getting started before you start sound source connection amplifier connection 1 Throughout this instruction manual except in titles bold print indicates the lettering that you will find on the panels of your PA10 2 The inputs for cd tuner TAPE 1 TAPE 2 and TAPE 3 are all the same electrically They are named for your convenience If you want to connect a turntable please se...

Page 6: ...tuner tape 1 tape 2 tape 3 Check that the power button is out so that power is off when you plug in 1 Using the cable supplied connect the socket on the back of your PA10 to an AC supply outlet For the best sound quality we recommend that you do not use multi plug adaptors Turn the VOLUME right down all the way anticlockwise Set the INPUT selector to the input to which you connected your sound sou...

Page 7: ...out 1 out 2 and out 3 1 To select your source for recording turn the RECORD selector until the mark on its side points to the name of the input that you want to record 2 The record output is not affected by the muting or volume controls The PA10 has a phono input that can accept either a moving coil mc or a moving magnet mm pickup cartridge The instruction manual for your cartridge will tell you w...

Page 8: ...se volume and anticlockwise to decrease volume If you use your PA10 in conjunction with a TAG McLaren F3 Series amplifier such as our 60P 100P or a pair of 125Ms and supply it with an input with a peak level of 2 V rms the typical output from a CD player your PA10 gives its full rated output with the VOLUME knob in the middle of its travel Turning the knob past this point may distort the sound and...

Page 9: ...dible hum in your loudspeakers Should you have any problems with hum in your system please contact your retailer To minimise the possibility of mains hum in your system do not link the ground terminals of separate audio units together use screened cable for your signal connections and keep the left and right channel cables close together Consult the instructions for your turntable tone arm and car...

Page 10: ...s diagram and those that follow are for illustrative purposes only they are not to scale and do not show all connections This diagram shows a PA10 connected to a TAG McLaren Audio 60P stereo power amplifier 3 out out in hf lf left speaker right speaker hf lf The audio outputs are intended to connect the PA10 to a power amplifier such as our 60P The low impedance 100 Ω output is buffered and will d...

Page 11: ...his facility is not necessarily a sign of low quality as some of the finest loudspeakers in the world have proved Instead of one stereo power amplifier you may prefer to use two monobloc amplifiers such as our 125M in conjunction with your PA10 Connect OUTPUT 1 left of the PA10 to the audio input of one of the monoblocs and OUTPUT 1 right to the audio input of the other monobloc Connect each monob...

Page 12: ...i amping out in out in hf lf left speaker hf lf right speaker out 22 connecting power amplifiers Connect OUTPUT 1 left and right of the PA10 to the left and right audio input of one stereo power amplifier and OUTPUT 2 left and right to the left and right audio input of the other stereo power amplifier Connect one power amplifier to your loudspeakers high frequency drivers and the other power ampli...

Page 13: ...you switch on your PA10 the performance will improve until the components reach their optimum operating temperature running in warming up other multiple amplifier arrangements The arrangements described on the previous pages are only suggestions and do not cover all the connection possibilities for preamplifiers and power amplifiers If you want to expand your audio system please contact your retai...

Page 14: ...ower socket on the back of your PA10 To change the fuse unplug the power cable and pull out the fuse carrier drawer 1 The fuse carrier contains a spare fuse this is the first one that you see when you open the carrier There are no other user serviceable parts inside the PA10 In order to maintain the appearance of your PA10 you can clean it as follows before cleaning always disconnect your PA10 fro...

Page 15: ...want to know the insides of your PA10 You will not miss out on any of the functions or performance of your PA10 if you choose not to read any further 30 kΩ nominal 175 mV rms relative to 0 5 V output greater than 92 dB relative to 0 5 V output mm 47 kΩ 85 pF nominal mc 100 Ω 3 3 nF nominal mm 3 5 mV rms relative to 0 5 V output mc 175 µV rms relative to 0 5 V output mm greater than 81 dB relative ...

Page 16: ...an 60 dB 100 Ω nominal suitable for headphones of 8 Ω 2 kΩ impedance greater than 7 76 V rms emf 10 35 C 50 60 Hz 110 120 V or 220 240 V The voltage is marked on the rear of the unit record output impedance We reserve the right to alter design and specification without notice Specification may vary for different countries muting attenuation The rated and typical performance applies when the mains ...

Page 17: ...89 IEC65 A3 1992 EN60065 1993 EN50081 1 1992 EN55022 Class B 1994 EN60555 2 1987 EN61000 3 2 1995 EN61000 3 3 1995 FCC Part 15 Class B 1997 EN50082 1 1992 IEC801 2 1991 8 kV air discharge IEC801 3 1984 3 V m IEC801 4 1988 1 kV AC power 500 V other ports EN61000 4 2 1995 8 kV air 4 kV contact discharge EN61000 4 4 1995 1 kV AC power 500 V other ports EN61000 4 5 1995 2 kV common mode 1 kV different...
