amplifier module
amplifier module
rejection ratio’. In the 250MR this is more
than 40 dB, or one hundred times, and best
of all, this is permanently fixed as it is set by
precision resistors rather than by attempting
to balance variable semiconductor properties.
combining a single ended av processor
with the 250MR
It is important to realise that a balanced
output on the sending unit, the preamplifier or
av processor is not required to gain the
benefits of a balanced input. A single ended
RCA output is just as good, so long as the
unbalanced-to-balanced cable is wired
correctly. TAG McLaren provides a special
version of its F3-10-ANA, manufactured with
an RCA connector at its input and a XLR
connector at its output. For more details see
www.tagmclaren.com or your authorised TAG
McLaren retailer.
The Appendix shows how an RCA-XLR analog
cable should be wired to provide ground loop
hum suppression, as described above.
Many small details lead to this exceptional amplifier, some key elements are covered below:
OFHC loudspeaker connections
For excellent sound quality the 250MR uses
TAG McLaren’s high grade oxygen free
high purity copper (OFHC) loudspeaker
terminals combined with a new knob made
from non-conductive Pocan.
Very few companies
provide OFHC
terminals due to
the difficulties of
machining solid
copper, an
unacceptable excuse
for TAG McLaren.
The knobs for the 250MR have been
manufactured from non conductive Pocan
without a metal insert as it was found that
this gave the best sonic result, identical to
that obtained using an OFHC knob
used on the TAG McLaren 100x5R).
1. safety regulations do not allow the use of a OFHC knob due to the very high voltage the 250MR can achieve at its loudspeaker terminals
when only the best is good enough!
premium-grade audio components
All components have
been carefully
selected and
auditioned before
a decision about
their use in the
250MR was
made. For
performance ultra-
stable Vishay metal film
resistors and low dielectric loss Wima poly-
propylene capacitors have been selected,
providing the increased transparency and
excellent noise suppression which
audiophiles attribute to these components.
mixed technology construction
With surface mount components for fast
digital signal transfer and leaded through
hole components for perfect audio signals,
the 250MR incorporates
mixed technology
construction to
optimise performance.
The result is uncom-
promised sound in a
small size.
aluminium for performance
The complete case, cooling fins and module
construction is made from Aluminium instead
of commonly used, cheaper mild steel.
Aluminium has been used as extensive
listening and laboratory tests
demonstrated that the
stray fields, albeit
minimal for a toroidal
transformer, were
interacting with
material in their
GRR00794.03-UK 250MR 5/4/02 11:49 am Page 12