A Ground Breaking Company Since 1923
Calibration Check
1. At anytime you can test the calibration setting by using the following method.
2. Choose the hopper and crop to be tested.
3. Lift the wheel or jockey wheel into a free running position.
4. Then on the controller screen press
5. On the menu screen press
"Area Reset"
6. Press
7. Press
8. Press
9. Move the wheel in the direction of travel until the "ha" on the controller records
on screen and then stop the wheel.
10. Weigh the amount of product, this should equal about
of the target seeding
If it is within 10% use the +/- button to increase/decrease the target seeding rate,
Then check the weight again but if there is more than a 10% difference.
If you are testing a double hopper system, you may want to turn off the hopper you are not
testing to save spilling the contents during the test.
Do this by turning the lever on the gearbox to the horizontal position or by turning the hopper
off on the controller.