Heating mode
6.1 In the heating mode , the temperature setting is determined with the remote
controller . The temperature control ranges from 16 - 30ºC.
6.2 When powered on for the first time , the compressor may be started
immediately. After turning off , the compressor must not be restarted until at
least 3 min’ later.
6.3 After turning on , the compressor must operate at least 5 min’.
6.4 When the airconditioner turns off , the compressor is interrupted ;the outdoor
4 way valve turns off after a 1 minute and 40 sec’ delay and the indoor fan
stops after a 40 sec’ delay to blow out the heat.
6.5 Cold air prevention . when the airconditioner turns on , the indoor unit does
not start immediately . When the heat exchanger temperature rises above
28ºC , the fan operates at the ultra low fan speed , and the flap is opened to
the first position; when the heat exchanger temperature
38ºC or runs for
over 4 minutes , the fan runs at a preset fan speed , and the fan is open to a
preset position. When the indoor heat exchanger temperature drops below
23ºC , the indoor fan motor stops.
6.6 When the unit is running , the indoor fan motor stops 40 seconds after the
compressor is interrupted because the room temperature has reached the
temperature setting . When the compressor is in operation again , the cold
air prevention function still works.
6.7 In the heating mode , the outdoor fan starts or stops as soon as the
compressor starts or stops unless the indoor heat exchanger overheat
protection starts.
6.8 After being set to cooling only type in EE the heating mode does not work .
6.9 The 4 way valve is activated.
Indoor heat exchanger overload protection : T
indoor coil
60ºC , the
compressor is interrupted; T
indoor coil
55ºC , outdoor fan motor stops. The
resumption temperature for each of the control points is 50ºC.
Indoor fan speed
Fan speed
TGI 07H-09H
Turbo 2,000 1,950 1,300
High 1,900 1,850 1,250
Low 1,700 1,700
Mute 1,600 1,600 900
Ultra low