iWorx® LCI3
502-050A, Effective: April 22, 2013
© 2013 Taco Electronic Solutions, Inc.
Associating a BZU or ZXU to a BLMC
Since multiple BLMC, BZUx, and ZXU1 controllers can be part of an iWorX system, it is necessary to group these con-
trollers so that the BLMC knows which BZUx controllers it may receive a demand from.
1.From the main menu, press
2.From the Controllers page, press the BLMC controller.
3.From the Edit Controller page, press
4.From the BLMC Zone Members page, press each BZUx and/or ZXU1 that needs to be associated with this
BLMC controller. Ones included indicate ’Master:......’ and are shown in Red, while those not included indicate
‘Not Associated’ and are shown in gray.
5.Once all desired controllers are selected to be Included or Excluded, press
. After pressing
, you will
receive a message indicating ‘Send Grouping Done’.
. The BLMC and associated BZUx controllers will now communicate.
The BLMC can also be associated to one more BLMC controller for cascading of up to 8 boilers. The routine for
including another BLMC is the same as described in the above sequence.
Frequently Asked Questions
What creates a Heating Demand on a BLMC?
Heating Demands are created on the BLMC when any of the following inputs are activated: Reset Demand or Temper-
ature Demand (RDMD), Auxiliary Demand or Temperature (AUX), or a networked demand from a BZU2 or a ZXU1
type controller. If the Reset demand in the BLMC is configured as a Reset temperature, the input sees the heating
demand from a 10K precon Type III room sensor such as the iWorX TRW Sensor. Remember that this is the ONLY
zone being controlled by the BLMC controller.
Networked BZUx controllers may also create a demand on the BLMC. To ensure communications are properly config-
ured for networked demands, please see the above topics: ”Important Config Settings for BLMC and BZUx” and ”Asso-
ciating a BZU or ZXU to a BLMC”.
• How do I Create a Heating Demand on the BLMC when not using an iWorX TRW sensor connected to the Reset
Demand input and no networked zones?
To Convert a standard Heating Demand (TT terminals on relays or the closure of any dry contact, on conventional ther-
mostats) to a demand on the BLMC RDMD input terminals:
a.Connect the TT output, as long as it is a dry contact, of a zone relay panel to the RDMD input on the BLMC
(Terminals 12-13). For complete wiring details refer to the
iWorx® BLMC Application Guide
b.Need LCI3 to input BLMC setpoints.
Why am I getting so many alarms?
Open or shorted sensors give error readings of either -29 F or 239 F. If sensors are not used, the error readings are
recorded as alarms. If too many alarms are generated, it will slow down the system response.
How do I eliminate these nuisance alarms?
A 10K resistor can be placed across terminals where the sensors are not being used. Remember that this will give the
controller a reading of approximately 77 Degrees F.
Why are my temperature inputs fluctuating by several degrees?
The temperature inputs may fluctuate do to the controller not being correctly grounded or improper wire being used on
the inputs.
• Make Sure Terminal 40 ‘GND’ is properly connected to earth ground on the BLMC and BZUx controllers.
• Make Sure Terminal 38 ‘COM’ is properly connected to earth ground on the BZUx controller.