T-Rex NEOCOMP User Manual Download Page 3

The ATTACK knob determines how quickly the compres-

sion effect kicks in. A fast attack is very noticeable, while 

a slower attack produces a more natural sound, where the 

subtleties of your pick or finger attack are audible before 

the compression kicks in. And finally, the RELEASE knob 

controls how long your NEOCOMP “hangs on” to your 

compressed sound before allowing it to decay naturally.

In addition to experimenting on your own, we recom-

mend searching the internet for additional guidance on 

compression settings—especially settings for specific in-

struments, such as acoustic guitar.

Four controls determine the character of your NEOCOMP 

compressed sound: COMPGAINATTACK and RELEASE.

The  COMP knob determines how much your sound is 

compressed—from 1:1, or no compression at all, to 9:1, 

which is a quite heavy “squeeze”. As you turn the COMP 

knob up, this naturally reduces volume, an volume reduc-

tion is part of the compression process. Use the GAIN 

know to compensate for this and bring your compressed 

sound up to an acceptable level.

NEOCOMP controls
