Total no. of pages: 30
Anleitung EAG80_26_00_2017_03_28_GB
Version 28.04.2017
Discharging quantity too big
The quantity calculated for discharging is bigger than the quantity in the mixer. This can be the case when
e.g. the total quantity from the mixer is to be discharged in several partial quantities. If the display unit
finds the quantity in the mixer to be smaller than the quantity to be discharged, the alarm is triggered.
Connecting the device
General Information
The device is delivered either with plug connectors or with screw connections.
For devices with plug connectors: The weighing elements can be connected in any order to the sockets at
the lower edge of the housing.
For devices with screw connections: The weighing elements' cables have to be inserted into the housing
and be connected inside.