-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 39 -
Workpiece coordinate system 1 to 6 are established after reference position return after the
power is turned on. When the power is turned on, G54 workpiece Coordinate system is selected.
Fig3.10.5 Workpiece Coordinate system
Changing Workpiece Coordinate System:
The six workpiece coordinate systems specified
with G54 to G59 can be changed by changing an external workpiece zero point offset value or
workpiece zero point offset value.
Three methods are available to change an external workpiece zero point offset value or
workpiece zero point offset value.
(1) Inputting from the MDI panel
(2) Programming by G50
(3) Using the external data input function
An external workpiece origin offset can be changed by using a signal input to the CNC,also
alter coordinate system in Coordinate parameter.
Fig3.10.6 Changing workpiece Coordinate system
Example: G00 G54 X50 Y60 Z70
Move to X50 Y60 Z70 of G54 with speed of G00.
3.14.3 Local Coordinate System (G52)
When a program is created in a workpiece coordinate system, a child workpiece coordinate
system may be set for easier programming. Such a child coordinate system is referred to as a local
coordinate system.
Format: G52 IP_; Setting the local coordinate system
G52 IP 0 ; Canceling of the local coordinate system
IP_: Origin of the local coordinate system
By specifying G52IP_;, a local coordinate system can be set in all the workpiece coordinate
systems (G54 to G59). The origin of each local coordinate system is set at the position specified by
IP_ in the workpiece coordinate system.
Once a local coordinate system is established, the coordinates in the local coordinate system