41CL User Manual
© 2019, Systemyde International Corporation
The 41CL design takes advantage of modern technology to significantly add to the
capabilities of the 41C system. In particular, the 41CL provides the following features:
All features of an HP-41CX except for the Time Module. CX Time functions (the
software) are included, but a Time module plugged into a Port (or our Time Clone
mounted on the 41CL board) is required for full timer functionality.
Full 600-register Extended Memory is built in.
Support for the new 1024-register Expanded Memory.
Over 390 plug-in module images are built in. Functions are included to allow these
images to be virtually plugged into a calculator Port and unplugged from a calculator
Turbo mode, which allows the calculator to run at up to 50X normal speed. Actual
values available are 2X, 5X, 10X, 20X and 50X.
Numerous empty pages (4K in length) of Flash memory are available for non-volatile
122 pages (4K in length) of RAM are available. All RAM is continuously powered.
A sophisticated Memory Management Unit (MMU) allows full access to the large
physical memory.
Support for fifteen Alternate Configurations, where each configuration is a compete
set of images to be plugged into the Ports.
Full bus compatibility for the Ports, allowing the use of any peripheral designed for
the HP-41 system.
A full-duplex serial port is available when the optional serial connector is used. This
optional connector uses a 2.5mm stereo jack mounted in a blank port cover.