4111-0024 — Apr. 2020
© 2020 Systems, LLC
Technical Service at 800-643-5424 or [email protected]
This manual provides current information on the VSH-
series dock leveler (Figure 3). Due to ongoing product
improvement, some parts may have changed, along
with operation and troubleshooting methods. This
manual describes these changes where applicable.
The VSH series dock leveler comes equipped
with an electrical control panel, which allows push
button operation of the dock leveler functions. Each
VSH dock leveler unit and control panel has been
factory prewired and tested to ensure satisfactory
To illustrate which connections are to be made in the
field at installation, electrical drawings are included
with each order or by contacting Systems, LLC
Technical Services.
VSH dock levelers are available in the following sizes,
weight capacities, and options:
6 ft (1829 mm)
6.5 ft (1981 mm)
7 ft (2134 mm)
5 ft (1524 mm)
6 ft (1829 mm)
8 ft (2438 mm)
Capacity (CIR*)
40,000 lb (18 144 kg)
45,000 lb (20 412 kg)
50,000 lb (22 680 kg
* CIR (Comparative Industry Rating)
Call McGuire to discuss available Powerpack
mounting configurations, voltages, phases and options
to meet your specific needs.
General Information
Figure 3