| Delivery, transport, storage
Delivery, transport, storage
Safety information
Warning: Risk from rotating fan blades
Prevent access by unauthorised persons by safety personnel or access protection.
Warning: Suspended loads
Do not walk under suspended loads.
Make sure that there is nobody under a suspended load.
Each fan leaves our plant in an electrically and mechanically proper condition. We recommend transporting the fan to
the installation site in the original packaging.
Checking delivery
Check the packaging and the fan for transport damage. Any findings should be noted on the cargo manifest.
Check completeness of the delivery.
When opening the transport packaging, there is a risk of damage from sharp edges, nails, staples, splinters etc.
Unpack the fan carefully.
Check the fan for obvious transport damage.
Only remove the packaging shortly before assembly.
Safety information
Warning: Electrical or mechanical hazards due to fire, moisture, short circuit or malfunction.
Never transport the fan by the connecting wire, terminal box, impeller, protection grille, inlet cone or silencer.
In open transport, please make sure that no water can penetrate into the motor or other sensitive parts.
We recommend transporting the fan to the installation site in the original packaging.
Caution: If transported without care during loading and unloading, the fan may be damaged.
Load and unload the fan carefully.
Use hoisting equipment that is suitable for the weight to be hoisted.
Observe the transportation arrows on the packaging.
Use the fan packaging exclusively as transport protection and not as a lifting aid.
Store the fan in the original packaging in a dry, dust-free location protected against weather.
Avoid the effects of extreme heat or cold.
Hazard due to loss of function of the motor bearing
Avoid storing for too long (recommendation: max. 1 year).
Check that the motor bearing functions properly before installation.
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