System Sensor Supervised Control Module M500S Installation And Maintenance Instructions Download Page 1

SS-460-001  1 I56-3850-005

m500S Supervised Control module

inSTaLLaTiOn and mainTenanCe inSTrUCTiOnS

3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174

1-800-SENSOR2, FAX: 630-377-6495

BefOre inSTaLLing

This information is included as a quick reference installation guide. Refer to 
the control panel installation manual for detailed system information. If the 
modules will be installed in an existing operational system, inform the opera-
tor and local authority that the system will be temporarily out of service. Dis-
connect power to the control panel before installing the modules.

NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/user of this equipment.

generaL deSCripTiOn

M500S Supervised Control Modules are intended for use in intelligent, two-
wire systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using 
the built-in rotary decade switches. This module is used to switch an external 
power supply, which can be a DC power supply or an audio amplifier (up 
to 80 VRMS), to notification appliances. It also supervises the wiring to the 
connected loads and reports their status to the panel as NORMAL, OPEN, 
or SHORT CIRCUIT. The M500S has two pairs of output termination points 
available for fault-tolerant wiring and a panel-controlled LED indicator. This 
module can be used to replace an M500C module that has been configured for 
supervised wiring operation.

COmpaTiBiLiTY reqUiremenTS

To ensure proper operation, these modules shall be connected to listed com-
patible system control panels only.

figUre 1. COnTrOLS and indiCaTOrS:



The M500S mounts directly to 4-inch square electrical boxes (see Figure 2A). 
The box must have a minimum depth of 2




 inches. Surface mounted electri-

cal boxes (SMB500) are available from System Sensor.  The module can also 
mount to the DNR(W) duct housing.


Normal Operating Voltage: 

15 to 32 VDC

Maximum Current Draw: 

6.5mA (LED On)

Operating Current: 

350 µA max., 1 communication every 5 seconds 47k EOL resistor; 485 µA max. (Communicating, NAC Shorted)

Maximum NAC Line Loss: 


External Supply Voltage (between Terminals T10 and T11)

Maximum (NAC): 

Regulated 24VDC


Maximum (Speakers): 

70.07 V RMS, 50 W 

Max. NAC Current Ratings: 

For class B wiring system, the current rating is 3A; For class A wiring system, the current rating is 2A

Temperature Range: 

32˚F to 120˚F (0˚C to 49˚C)


10% to 93% Non-condensing


 4.675˝ H x 4.275˝ W x 1.4˝ D (Mounts to a 4˝ square by 2




˝ deep box.)


SMB500 Electrical Box; CB500 Barrier

figUre 2a. mOdULe mOUnTing      figUre 2B: 
WiTh Barrier:




NOTE: All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and reg-
ulations. When using control modules in nonpower limited applications, the 
System Sensor CB500 Module Barrier must be used to meet UL requirements 
for the separation of power-limited and nonpower-limited terminals and wir-
ing. The barrier must be inserted into a 4˝×4˝×2




˝ junction box, and the 

control module must be placed into the barrier and attached to the junction 
box (Figure 2A). The power-limited wiring must be placed into the isolated 
quadrant of the module barrier (Figure 2B).

1.   Install module wiring in accordance with the job drawings and appropri-

ate wiring diagrams.

2.  Set the address on the module per job drawings.
3.   Secure module to electrical box (supplied by installer), as shown in 

Figure 2A.

Wire should be stripped to the appropriate length (recommended strip length 




“ to 




”). Exposed conductor should be secured under the clamping plate 

and should not protrude beyond the terminal block area. Caution: Do not loop 
wire under terminals. Break wire run to provide supervision of connections. 




