Instrument Operating Manual
CyFlow® Cube 8 Rev-27_2015-07-02
Sysmex Partec GmbH
Am Flugplatz 13, 02828 Görlitz, Germany · Phone +49 3581 8746-0 · Fax +49 3581 8746-70 · [email protected] ·
36 / 43
Clean the CyFlow
Cube casing on a regular base carefully with soft cloth. Water should
not enter the CyFlow
Cube or peripheral devices or come into contact with electric
connections and switches. For cleaning the screen, always use special screen cleaner
and soft cloth.
Do not use
any organic solvents, nitro thinner, benzol, alcohol, highly concentrated
bleach etc.!
For cleaning of the flow cuvette, refer to the described cleaning procedure. Do not use
tools to clean the flow cuvette. In case the flow cuvette is blocked, enquire Sysmex Partec
for rapid exchange.
Regularly empty the waste bottle and clean with warm detergent solution and a brush.
Clean sheath reservoir with distilled water and a clean brush and flush with clean distilled
water several times.
Remember: a clean sheath fluid reservoir is critical for proper operation.
If the CyFlow
Cube will not be used for longer periods, clean flow system by using
distilled water. Put a sample tube half-way filled with distilled water at the sample port.
Clean waste and sheath reservoir, wipe top dry.
All service is to be made from an authorized service engineer. Please contact your local
Transport and Storage
For the transport of the system to a different location it will be necessary to disconnect all
external data and supply connections. In case of use with potentially bio-hazardous
material, please see Sysmex Partec standard operating procedure (SOP) for
decontamination. The system should be carried in upright position. During transport or
storage please take care that the system will be stored under the following conditions:
Temperature 5-50
20-85 % relative (non-condensing)
Clean environment, no direct sun light
Warning: The Waste may contain biohazardous and
carcinogenic material from the samples (infectious
material, dyes).