Protouch-wide: user documentation
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Replace Fuse
Locate the fuse right behind the power connector
Extract with tweezers and replace with same type (Littelfuse 452004.MRL)
Cleaning the glas front
For cleaning the glass front please use a soft cloth and a standard glas cleaning detergent.
Even though the touch controller is optimized to detect cleaning it may happen that
input signals are generated. Prevent unwanted and potentially dangerous actions while
the front is being cleaned.
Prevent the system from unwanted and dangerous actions while the front is
being cleaned.
Make sure the device has cooled down to room temperature
Cleaning the metal housing
For cleaning the metal housing please use a soft cloth and a metal polish.
Do not use a coarse scouring cloth, scouring powder or solvent.
Cleaning should only be carried out when the device is switched off!
Make sure the device has cooled down to room temperature
Main Fuse