See Figure 3-28 for the time setting interface. The time can be modified manually or synchronized
with NTP. To change it manually, tick the checkbox after
System Time
and do the modification in
the following edit box. To synchronize it with NTP, tick the checkbox after
Synchronize with NTP
to enable this feature (disabled by default) and fill in the items
Time Zone
NTP Server Address
After configuration, click Save to save the above settings into the database; click Reset to restore
the configurations. The settings will not go into effect until you save it.
System Time
Sets the current time of the recording system.
Time Zone
Sets the current time zone.
Synchronize with
Enables the feature to synchronize the time with NTP.
NTP Server Address
IP address used to synchronize the time with NTP.
Time period to synchronize the time with NTP.
3.4.8 SNMP
Figure 3-29 SNMP Setting Interface
See Figure 3-29 for the SNMP setting interface which is used to configure SNMP parameters.
Users can use the SNMP browser to acquire information on the recording system. The table
below explains the above items.
SNMP Configuration
Sets whether to enable the SNMP service.
SNMP Server
IP address used to acquire information on the recording system with SNMP.
Monitoring Port
SNMP monitoring port number, with the default value of 161 and not suggested to
Community String
Read-only SNMP community string, having the same feature as password.
ATP2410 User Manual (Version
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