Manual and Mechanical Cleaning.
Instructions for the Small Battery Drive II.
Cleaning Chart
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9 Inspect the device.
Remove all the devices from the washing basket. Inspect
the cannulations, coupling sleeves, etc. for visible soil. If
necessary, repeat the manual pre-clean/automated cleaning
cycle. Confirm that all parts are completely dry.
Mechanical cleaning/disinfection is an additional stress
for power equipment, especially for seals and bearings.
Therefore, systems must be properly lubricated and
regularly sent to be serviced (at least once per year).
Step Duration
2 minutes
Cold tap water
1 minute
Warm water (≥ 40 °C); use detergent
2 minutes
Warm water (≥ 45 °C); use detergent
5 minutes
Rinse with de-ionized (DI) or purified water (PURW)
Thermal disinfection
5 minutes
Hot DI water, ≥ 93 °C
40 minutes
≥ 90 °C
8 Automated cleaning cycle parameters
The washer/disinfector should fulfill the requirements as
specified in ISO 15883.