6. Data Editing
The 1100 scanner provides advanced data editing functions for data formatting.
Data editing is performed according to user configured editing formats. Up to three
editing formats can be configured.
Data is divided into fields by user specified rules. These fields together with user
configurable additional fields constitute the data actually sent to the host computer.
The detailed descriptions and the configuration procedures of the editing format are
described in this section.
6.1 Select Editing Format
To start configuring an editing format, the editing format to be configured must
first be selected. Once it is selected, the parameters pertaining to editing format
(applicable condition, total number of field, field dividing rules, additional fields,
and field transmission sequence parameters) can be configured. After all the
desired parameters are configured, the “End of Format Programming” label must
be read to complete the configuration of that editing format.
Before completing the configuration of the editing format, if parameters
other than those pertaining to editing format are read, the editing format under
configuration will be aborted. User must restart the configuration again by
selecting editing format to be configured.
6.2 Restore Default Format
After the editing format to be configured is selected, user can read the “Restore
Default Format” label to put the editing format back to default setting. The default
settings of the editing format are listed below.
Applicable Code Type: All
Applicable Length: Both max and min length are zero.
Matching string: Empty
Matching String Location: 0
Total number of field: 1
Field Setting: Not Configured
Additional Fields: Empty
Field Transmission Sequence: F1
6.3 Applicable Conditions
Three applicable conditions can be configured to qualify whether the data read by
the scanner can be processed by the particular editing format. Data editing will not
be performed unless all three applicable conditions are met. The configurable
applicable conditions are described below.
Code Type
: This parameter specifies the code type of the data eligible for
data editing. Multiple code types can be specified for this parameter.
Data Length
: This parameter specifies the length (character count) of the
data eligible for data editing. It is specified in the range format. The length
of the data must fall between max and min length limits. If the max length
and the min length configured is both zero, the scanner will not perform this
length qualification.
Matching String and its Location
: User can specify a particular character
string (up to four characters) that must appear in the data that is eligible for
data editing. User can also specify where (character position, starts from
one) this string should appear in the data by configuring the matching string
location. If the location specified is zero, the scanner only checks for the
existence of the matching string in the data. To disable the matching string
qualification, just leave the matching string empty.
6.4 Total Number of Fields
Data can be divided into at most 6 fields. The total number of fields configured
must be correctly specified. The fields are numbered from F1 to F6 accordingly,
but only F1 to F5 can be configured. Please note that, the number of fields can be
configured is always one less than total number of fields specified. The extra data
characters beyond the last field configured will be automatically assigned to the
next field. That is, if three fields are configured for the editing format, the data
characters after F3 will be assigned to F4 automatically. This feature is quite
useful especially when data of variable lengths is processed by editing formats.
6.5 Dividing Data into Fields
Data eligible for editing format is divided into fields according to user specified
rules. The rule for each field can be configured in two ways.
Field Terminating String
: The field dividing rule can be configured by
specifying the field terminating string. The field terminating string
configured can be up to two characters. The scanner will search for the
occurrence of this particular string in the data for the field. The field
terminating string is always included in the field. User though, has the
option of discarding this terminating string.
Field Length
: The field dividing rule can be configured by simply
specifying the field length. The scanner will assign the next specified
number of characters into the field.