“Completion Status” box on the right side of the screen and be sure to save your
changes after any edits.
After completing your Personal and Academic Information tabs, you will be
asked to modify your privacy settings. It is strongly recommended that you
accept to receive email messages from OCPD; selecting “no” will put you at a
disadvantage as you will not receive critical communications such as those
regarding scholarship programs, employment opportunities, or notices regarding
your CareerLink account.
You may also choose to include your resume in the resume book, which
employers are able to view online. If you select “yes,” please make sure that your
resume has been reviewed thoroughly by an OCPD career counselor.
By looking at the “Completion Status” box, you will be able to see the number of
documents you have uploaded to CareerLink. The steps to upload a document to
the system will be discussed later in the guide.