If the problem persists at that particular preset, erase the preset and start from scratch.
With the PRESET NUMBER control select and load the bypass program. Turn the
PRESET NUMBER knob again until the offending preset's number is displayed in the
MASTER display. Push the SAVE button. The MASTER display will show the
message Sto. Push the SAVE button a second time. The offending program has been
erased completely and you can dial in the processing settings of your choice.
The 628 is locked-up.
Verify that front-panel lockout is not engaged. If the front panel controls are in the
secure mode you may switch between presets, but you will not be allowed to change
any of the operating parameters. If the lockout function is engaged, see the last few
paragraphs of Chapter Three for instructions on how to unlock the controls.
Are you in the bypass preset? The MASTER display will read byP. This is a read-
only preset with no processing and flat equalization. You may turn the knob, but
nothing happens.
Check the MASTER DISPLAY for an error code. Examples:
... (flashing) = Initialization error
E20 = DSP boot error The DSP has failed to boot from the host.
E21 = DSP communication error. The DSP is not responding to the host.
E22 = DSP host vector error. The DSP is not answering a host command vector.
BAT = Your memory backup battery is failing.
Oh $#!T! Skip to the re-initialization procedure below, or call Symetrix Customer Service at (425)
787-3211 with your 628s serial number (on a bar-coded label on the bottom of the unit) and the
Error Code number.
If you are unable to switch between presets your 628 could be trying to run on cor-
rupted software caused by a brief power interruption or by dirty power. First try
unplugging your 628 from the AC power, count to ten, then plug it back in again. If this
fails to correct the problem, you must re-initialize the 628; this reloads the operating
software from memory.
The Re-initialization Procedure, or everything I know is wrong ...
Re-initialization of the 628 reloads the operating program from memory.
All user
created processing presets will be erased.
Re-initialize the 628. Push both the LOAD and SAVE buttons. The MASTER DISPLAY
will show the flashing letters INI.
If you
want to proceed with re-initialization, ERASING ALL OF YOUR USER
PRESET PROGRAMS, push the SAVE button. If you reconsider, and do not want to re-
initialize, then push any non-locking button on the 628s front panel
the SAVE
Should you decide to return your 628 to Symetrix for service, please adhere to the instructions in
the following section.