Failback refers to switching the services back to the primary (preferred) path. When the
primary path is recovered, the failback function of UltraPath automatically switches the
services from the backup path back to the primary path.
Load balancing
Load balancing refers to balancing I/O loads among paths. It is designed to share
network traffic and expand the bandwidth, thus enabling multiple paths to carry the I/
O traffic that is to the same destination. Load balancing applies only when a controller
has two or more paths to the application servers. The I/O data packets are carried among
the paths evenly to achieve load balancing.
HyperImageAgent helps the storage system quickly capture online data to create copies for
the source data without a service interruption. When creating a snapshot, HyperImageAgent
selects different snapshot policies according to different application scenarios, its functions
Providing the periodic snapshot function by using the task scheduling program crontab
of the operating system
Ensuring the consistency of application data and achieving the value-added functions
of the storage system by cooperating with the AppProxy software
Ensuring the consistency of multiple applications
HyperMirrorAgent supports asynchronous remote replication and protects users' data
against the losses caused by disasters. When creating asynchronous remote replication,
HyperMirrorAgent selects different remote application policies according to different
application scenarios, its functions include:
Providing the periodic remote replication function by using the task scheduling program
crontab of the operating system
Ensuring the consistency of application data and achieving the value-added functions
of the storage system by cooperating with the AppProxy software
Ensuring the consistency of multiple applications
HyperCopyAgent copies data from the source LUN to the target LUN of the local storage
unit or other storage units. When creating a LUN copy, HyperCopyAgent selects different
LUN copy policies according to different application scenarios, its functions include:
Providing the periodic LUN copy function by using the task scheduling program crontab
of the operating system
Ensuring the consistency of application data and achieving the value-added functions
of the storage system by cooperating with the AppProxy software
Ensuring the consistency of multiple applications
InbandAgent enables the application server to manage the storage system in inband mode.
This function not only facilitates an administrator's ability to manage and maintain the
storage unit, but also implements the LUN copy and virtual snapshot functions by
cooperating with the application software. Other HyperAgent software can invoke the
InbandAgent through InbandAgent commands. Software functions include:
Enabling the application server to transfer commands in inband mode
2 System Architecture
Symantec FileStore N8300 (Software Release 5.6)
Product Description Guide
Symantec Corporation
Issue 01 (2011-05-05)