Controls and switches are located on front panel inside the glass door.
Press this button into the
position for main power and flame effect.
The indicator light will turn on. See below for other control switches.
For low heat function - Press this switch while the FLAME switch is in
position for low heat. The indicator light will turn on.
For high heat function - Press this switch while the FLAME and HEATING
switches are in the
position for high heat. The indicator light will turn on.
To adjust the temperature to your individual requirements. Turn
the thermostat dial to the right (clockwise) to increase the desired temperature
and to the left for lower temperature. This thermostat control dial can only be
used while the FLAME switch and HEATING/TURBO switches are in the
position. When the heater reaches the desired temperature, the heater and
Heating /Turbo indicator light will turn OFF but the fan will continue to operate.
Adjust this knob to restart the heater.
When the heater reaches the desired temperature, the heater and Heating /Turbo
indicator light will turn OFF but the fan will continue to operate. Adjust this knob
to restart the heater.
FlaME iNtENsity:
Turn the dimmer dial clockwise or counter clockwise to get
the desired flame intensity. The dimmer switch can only be used when the FLAME
switch is in the
When the FLAME switch is turned to the OFF position, all other heater
functions will stop even though the switches may be in the
The heat output is controlled by the thermostat, according to the room tempera-
ture. Set the thermostat dial fully clockwise to the maximum position initially.
When the room is warm enough, reduce the setting by slowly turning the thermo-
stat dial anti-clockwise until the heater just clicks OFF. This will then maintain the
room temperature at the desired level.
iF yOu usE tHis HEatEr iN cONJuNctiON WitH a tHErMal
cONtrOl, a prOgraMME cONtrOllEr, a tiMEr Or aNy OtHEr
dEvicE tHat sWitcHEs ON tHE HEatEr autOMatically, rEMEMbEr
tO ObsErvE all saFEty WarNiNgs at all tiMEs.
tHE stOvE HEatEr Has a saFEty OvErHEat prOtEctiON. iF tHE
OvErHEat prOtEctiON trips, turN OFF tHE FlaME sWitcH aNd
uNplug tHE pOWEr cOrd FrOM tHE rEcEptaclE. it sHOuld rEsEt
autOMatically aFtEr 5 MiNutEs.
WarNiNg: discONNEct pOWEr aNd uNplug tHE pOWEr cOrd
bEFOrE attEMptiNg aNy MaiNtENaNcE Or clEaNiNg tO rEducE
tHE risk OF FirE, ElEctric sHOck Or pErsONal iNJury. tHE bulbs
iN yOur uNit caN bEcOME ExtrEMEly HOt. allOW at lEast 10
MiNutEs bEtWEEN turNiNg OFF tHE uNit aNd rEMOviNg tHE
ligHt bulbs tO avOid accidENtal burNiNg OF tHE skiN.
The fire effect is created with the use of a 40 watt B-10 candelabra light bulb with
an E-12 (small) socket base. The light bulb will have to be replaced from time to
time when they burn out.
During normal operation, the stove heater will always give you simulated flame
function. If the intensity of flame suddenly increases, it means that the light bulb is
going to burn out.
Replace the light bulb immediately, according to the instruction. Do not operate the
stove heater when the light bulb burns out or without the light bulb.
STEP 1: Open the door of unit with the handle.
STEP 2: Loosen the 2 screws at the front of the log set inside the stove. Carefully lift
the logset up far enough to access the light bulbs. You will find 1 X 40W
Type B-10 candelabra light bulb with E-12 socket base at the bottom.
STEP 3: Replace the burned out light bulb using a new 40 watt Type B-10 candelabra
light bulb.
STEP 4: Reinstall the logset.
STEP 5: Plug in the unit.
To clean unit first turn off controls on unit and unplug unit from power source.
To clean glass door; remove dust with clean dry cloth or to remove finger prints and
other marks clean glass with clean damp cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaners
or spray liquids on glass door surface.
Metal and metal painted parts should be cleaned with damp cloth. Do not use
abrasive cleaners or spray liquids on these surfaces.
Every electric stove is tested before it leaves the factory and it is guaranteed for
one year. If the unit should fail to operate correctly within one year from the date
of purchase, call customer service at 1-800-459-4409 EST. We will, at our discretion
either repair or replace the unit. It will have to be returned to us freight prepaid and
we will return the repaired or replaced unit to you freight prepaid. The company’s
sole obligation is to repair or replace the unit.This warranty is void if in the opinion
of Quality Craft the unit has been tampered with, altered, misused, damaged,
abused or used with the wrong power source. Light bulbs are not covered by this
warranty. The warranty is for homeowner use only and does not cover units used in
commercial situations.
Imported by
Quality craft
Laval, Quebec, Canada H7S 2G7
1-800-459-4409 (EST)
Made in China
Summary of Contents for SOQC111-MBK
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