warning: to reduCe the risk of fire or eleCtriC shoCk, always
switCh off the unit and wait 10 minutes to allow it to Cool
before attemPting any maintenanCe or Cleaning.
It is recommended that the heater is cleaned periodically in order to avoid dust
blocking the grill and allow proper ventilation.
Wipe the unit with a soft damp cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaners or spray liquids
on the unit surfaces.
Note: It is possible that the unit surface may discolour (yellow) over time, due to
dust or cigarette smoke. This is normal and not a manufacturing defect.
The heating element is guaranteed for 10 years and all other components are
guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase. If the unit should fail to operate
correctly, call customer service at 1-800-459-4409 EST. We will, at our discretion,
either repair or replace the unit. It will have to be returned to us freight prepaid and
we will return the repaired or replaced unit to you, freight prepaid. The company’s
sole obligation is to repair or replace the unit. This warranty is void if in the opinion
of Quality Craft the unit has been tampered with, altered, misused, damaged,
abused or used with the wrong power source. The warranty is for home use only
and does not cover units used in commercial situations.
Imported by
Quality Craft
Laval, Quebec, Canada H7S 2G7
1-800-459-4409 (EST)
Made in China