9. Connection
The connection must only be established in the voltage-free condition.
a) Outdoor Unit
Connect the indoor unit to the outdoor unit via four lines each according to the following connection assignments. Also
observe the labels on the devices.
We recommend keeping the (Engl.) example colour markings when using connection cables ("Black",
"Red", "White", "Yellow"). If you use cables in different colours, connect them according to the signal
assignment ("GND", "VDD", "Audio", "Video").
The outdoor unit is supplied with voltage/power through the indoor unit.
If the cables between the indoor and outdoor unit are too long (>10 m) or if a door opener with a too-high
current intake is used, it is possible that the outdoor unit or the door opener will not work properly. In this
case, a separate mains adapter (not enclosed) may be connected to the outdoor unit. This must be able to
supply a stabilised direct voltage of 15 V/DC and a current of at least 1 A.
A working current door opener ("Fail Secure" door opener) is required. This door opener is the door opener type
common for entrance doors.
The trap lock of the door opener is only unlocked in this door opener type when operating voltage is pending, e.g.
when the door opener button in the apartment is pushed. Then the door can be opened and the visitor is let in. The
door is locked if no operating current is pending.
Depending on the door opener used, proper polarity must be observed (for conventional electromagnetic door
openers, this is usually not required); for this, always observe the manufacturer's information.
A door opener of type "Fail Safe" (quiescent current door opener) cannot be used. This is a special door
opener, e.g. used for a door to be used as an escape route.
In this door opener type, the trap lock of this door opener is only unlocked when there is no operating
current. This permits leaving of the room in case of power failure since the door opener unlocks the door
The outdoor unit works only with a stabilised direct voltage of 15 V/DC. Never connect an alternating
voltage (e.g. from a door bell transformer) to the outdoor unit. This will destroy both the outdoor and the
indoor unit, loss of warranty/guarantee!