Entering public authorities such as the Police De-
partment, Fire Department, or Rescue Coordination
Centres is not permitted. This is a purely “private”
emergency call.
Using location information from emergency SMS
The emergency message (SMS) embeds the sender's location information (the in-
formation is displayed as "http://maps.google.com/maps? F=q&q=([sequence of
In order to make them usable and display the location with Google Maps, there
are various options that depend on the smartphone used and the operating system
installed there.
The following example shows a way using the Android 7.1 operating system:
1. Tap the SMS content until the options are displayed (depending on the
smartphone / operating system used), the options can be accessed in a diffe-
rent way.
2. Tap “Add to Bookmark“, name the bookmark, and in the “Add to“ - line, select
“Home screen“ and tap OK.
3. A new icon will appear on the home screen. Tap this icon and select an applica-
tion to open this bookmark (for example, Maps). The location from which the
emergency SMS was sent is displayed.