05.2015 MP-PIGRev.A
3250 Williamsburg Lane—Missouri City, Texas 77459
Part Number:
Product Description
The MicroPilot is a proportional drive
wheelchair control. The device gives the user
the ability to operate their wheelchair with
360 degrees of control as well as the full
range of the wheelchair’s drive
parameters(speed acceleration, etc.) The
MicroPilot works in a plug and play fashion
and is compatible with most manufacturers’
electronics including Q-Logic, R-Net and
older P&G. The MicroPilot is force based
technology, the harder you push the faster
the chair will go. The sensitivity is adjustable
by turning a potentiometer with a small
screwdriver. Turn to the right for less
sensitivity. Settings are between 10 and 50
grams. Potentiometer is shown in this
Other Features
The MicroPilot control has one jack located
on the side of the rectangular interface box.
The mode jack on the interface box contains
Smart Jack technology. This technology
allows for mechanical or electronic switches
to plug into the same jack. This gives the
user the ability to have a proximity switch
easily plugged into a mode jack for mode
access when a
mechanical switch is
not appropriate.
Technical Information
Diameter Housing = 0.625" or 15.87mm
Height Overall= 3.15" or 80mm
Stem Diameter = 0.062" or 1.57mm
Displacement: Zero
Force:10-50 gramsadjustable
Mounting: Chin Mount, Space Disk, Stand
Alone Mount, Active Controls Mount, Midline
Swing Away Mount
LED Indicators:
Solid Green: Neutral
Blinking Green: Driving
Solid Red: Device needs service, call local
Electronic Housing
Status indicator under logo in picture below.
Dimensions: 83.2mm x 57mm
Forward Direction Marking
Calibration Information
It is possible to recalibrate the device in
certain instances, such as when a heavier
knob is used or the device is used at 90
degree angles. The process is:
1) Turn chair off
2) Ensure nothing is placing any force on
joystick knob/stem.
3) Press and hold red button inside housing
of device (pictured to the left).
4) As you are holding the red button turn the
chair on. The status indicator will blink
alternating between red/blue.
5)Release the red button and press it again
for 1 second then release.
6) Status indicator will blink blue for a
successful calibration and red for an
unsuccessful calibration.
Unsuccessful calibrations are caused by the
joystick having force in any direction too far
from the factory calibrated settings.
The device contains a
pin connector which
plugs into the
following systems.
Penny and Giles R-Net – Omni is required
Curtis Electronics Enable 50 – Enhanced
Display is required
Dynamic Controls DX2 – Switch It DX Dongle
(DXD) is required, sold seperately