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2.1 Camp Site Code of Conduct


Report to reception immediately on arrival.

Vehicle Movement

Keep to roadways unless otherwise directed. 

Adhere to speed limits. Note that these are 

generally 10 mph (Remember that the stopping 

distance on grass is considerably greater than 

on tarmac).
Only a person in possession of a current driving 

licence may drive on the site.
Park correctly as advised on your pitch. Where 

possible leave 20 feet of free space around your 


Use of Site Appliances

Use the electrical mains hook-up in the correct 

manner and with caution. Ensure that all fresh 

water taps/connections are turned off after 

use. Have care and consideration when using 

all facilities (toilets and showers etc) and 

leave clean and tidy. Young children should be 


Waste Disposal

If the vehicle is not fitted with a waste water 

tank, a suitable receptacle should be placed 

below all waste water outlet pipes. Do not let 

these containers overflow. Dispose of all waste 

water where instructed. Empty effluent from 

chemical toilets where instructed.
To avoid possible damage to sewage purification 

works, only approved chemical fluids must be 

used. Under no circumstances should coal tar, 

phenol or caustic-based fluids be used.
Disposable nappies and similar bulky items 

must not be put into chemical closet emptying 

points but should be wrapped in a polythene bag 

and placed in the container provided.
Place all litter in containers marked for the 



Do not make excessive noise. Children should 

be restrained from making excessive noise.
Flying kites, drones and model aircraft, and the 

use of items like catapults or air-guns, as well as 

ball games, should not be permitted among, or 

close to other vehicles.
Musical instruments, record players, radios 

and televisions should not be used to the 

inconvenience of other people on the site.

Open and close doors quietly. Power generators 

must be adequately silenced and used with 


Dogs and other Pets

All dogs and other pets should be kept under 

control. Unless permission has been granted, 

no animal should be allowed loose on the site 

and leads must not exceed 10ft.
No animals should be allowed in the shower/ 

toilet blocks.
Do not let dogs foul the site.

Fire Precautions

Adhere to and take note of fire precautions 

noting the whereabouts of the fire points.


Provide one dry powder fire 

extinguisher of an approved type or complying 

with EN3-7 or ISO 7165, of at least 1kg 

capacity, by the main exterior door and a fire 

blanket next to the cooker. Familiarise yourself 

with the operating instructions on your fire 

extinguisher and the local fire precaution 


When using a dry powder extinguisher it is 

suggested that the campervan be evacuated 

until the powder has settled, to avoid inhalation.
Unless permission has been granted, barbecues 

should not be used. If permission is given, 

consideration should be given to the annoyance 

that can be caused to other users of the site.
Open fires are not allowed.

Awnings and Tents

Awnings and tents should only be used when 

permission has been obtained. When on grass 

and staying for more than a few days, the ground 

sheet and/or side flaps of awnings should be 

periodically raised in order to avoid damage to 

the ground.








Summary of Contents for MONZA CAMPERVAN 2022

Page 1: ...SWIFTGROUP OWNER S HANDBOOK MONZACAMPERVAN IssuedApril2022 PartNo 1439878...

Page 2: ...suggestyoumakeanoteof yourdealersnameandcontactinformation below Important pleasequotethebaseVIN vehicle identificationnumber inallcorrespondence withyourdealerorSwiftGroupLimited Swift thiscanbefound...

Page 3: ...2...

Page 4: ...2 Campervancode 13 3 Preparingfortheroad 17 4 En route 27 5 Safetyandsecurity 29 6 Arrivalatsite 33 7 Connectingservices 35 8 ElectricalSystems 55 9 Fittedequipment 63 10 CampervanCare 77 11 Technical...

Page 5: ...4...

Page 6: ...5 WAR R AN T Y I NF OR M AT I ON 1 Warranty 1 1CampervanConversionWarranty 6 1 2SwiftConnectDirect 8 1 3Suppliercontacts 9 1 4Annualservice inspectionrecord 10...

Page 7: ...odyShellWarranty providedbySwift Swiftwillrepair oratitsoption replace any defectswiththeCampervanconversiontothe bodyshellfor3yearsfromthedateofpurchase orhirepurchase subjecttotheconditions termsand...

Page 8: ...owerhead Cooker thecookerunitincludinggrill oven burners igniter andflamefailuredevice ifprovided Refrigerator gasigniter flamefailuredevice doorsealcondenser gascontrolvalve 12v and230vheaterelements...

Page 9: ...rranty detailsofhowtodothiscanbe foundattherearofthishandbook 1 2SwiftConnectDirect Youhaveaccesstoanonlinesystemwhichisfor allSwiftmodels Apasswordwillbeissuedto you toenableyoutointeractwithus Toacc...

Page 10: ...Yorkshire HU170TB Phone 01482678981 Fax 01482678987 E mail support sargentltd co uk https sargentltd co uk ThetfordLtd Unit6 BrookfieldsWay Manvers DearneValley Rotherham SouthYorkshire S635DL Phone...

Page 11: ...edSwiftGroupCampervanDealer Failuretodothiswillinvalidatethewarrantyand thetransferofthewarrantyonthechangeof ownership Theinspectionshouldtakeapproximatelytwo hoursandwillcovertheareasdealtwithinthe...

Page 12: ...sStamp Wecertifythatanannualservicehasbeen carriedoutinaccordancewiththehandbook 4thservice Date Dealer sStamp Wecertifythatanannualservicehasbeen carriedoutinaccordancewiththehandbook 5thservice Dat...

Page 13: ...hehandbook 10thservice Date Dealer sStamp Wecertifythatanannualservicehasbeen carriedoutinaccordancewiththehandbook 11thservice Date Dealer sStamp Wecertifythatanannualservicehasbeen carriedoutinaccor...

Page 14: ...13 C AMP E R VAN C ODE 2 Campervancode 2 1CampSiteCodeofConduct 14 2 2Wildcamping 15 2 3Handbooks Chassis Converter 15 2 4TheCountrycode 16 2 5Thecoastalcode 16...

Page 15: ...d berestrainedfrommakingexcessivenoise Flyingkites dronesandmodelaircraft andthe useofitemslikecatapultsorair guns aswellas ballgames shouldnotbepermittedamong or closetoothervehicles Musicalinstrumen...

Page 16: ...slockersforgascontainersand chemicaltoiletsmustbeproperlysecured Exteriorstepsshouldbeproperlyretracted andsecured Whenthevehicleisinmotionit iscompulsoryforallfrontseatpassengers andrearseatpassenger...

Page 17: ...ds 10 Respectthelifeofthecountryside The Coastalcode 2 5Thecoastalcode Asourcoastlinesareincreasinglyusedfor recreationandeducation thefollowing suggestionsaremadetoenableustoenjoyour inheritanceandpr...

Page 18: ...foremovingoff 18 3 2Campervanterms 18 3 3Loadingofvehicle 19 3 4Largestorageareas 20 3 5Tyres 20 3 6Dedicatedtravellingpassengerseating 20 3 7Childseats 21 3 8Airbag 23 3 9Threepointseatbelts 23 3 10D...

Page 19: ...Themassofthecampervanequippedto thecampervanmanufacturersstandard specification asstatedbythemanufacturer TheMROcomprisestheex worksweight ofthecampervan includingthedriver 90 fuelcapacity 1xLPGgascyl...

Page 20: ...eightshould beapproximately7 oftheactualladenweight butnotgreaterthanthehitchcapacity andat thesametimesuitthecampervanrequirements Seesection 3 11Adviceontowing onpage24 3 3Loadingofvehicle WARNING L...

Page 21: ...stored sealedandsecured Fortheoperationofanelectricalgenerator Insuchawaythattheloadexceedsthe MTPLM and orminimumandmaximumaxle loads 3 5Tyres Ifawheelortyreischangedanyreplacement mustbeofthesametyp...

Page 22: ...e whenusingtheISOFIXsystem WARNING Onlychildrestraintscertified toECE R129orECE R44 03 orlater have beentestedandapprovedforuseinyour campervan WARNING Thechildseatyouuseinyour carmaynotbesuitableform...

Page 23: ...suitablefortheheightofyourchild OnlyEU approvedheight basedchildcar seatscanbeusedintheUK Thesehavealabel showingacapital E inacircleand R129 Weight basedseats Theseatyourchildcanuse andthewaythey mus...

Page 24: ...restraint 3 9Threepointseatbelts Thissectionreferstotheseatbeltslocatedin thehabitationareaofyourcampervan DedicatedTravellingPassengerSeating BenchSeat WARNING Nopassengersareallowedto stayinsidethe...

Page 25: ...rafterthis datehavecategoryBentitlementonly which restrictstheentitlementtomotorvehicleswith upto8passengerseatsandanMTPLMofup to3500kgwithtrailersupto750kgMTPLM 4250kggrosstrainweight orlargertrailer...

Page 26: complyingto94 20 ECorUNECER55 9 Thelimitfortowinganun brakedtrailer is750kg basedonVINplatenotactual weight thisappliestoatowedcar 10 AcardollywithacarwithaGVWover 750kginplaceisconsideredastwotrai...

Page 27: ...26...

Page 28: ...27 4 En route 4 1Sparewheel 28 4 2Cruisecontrol 28 4 3Parkingsensors 28 EN R OU T E...

Page 29: ...hedriverofthevehicleshouldalwaysremain seatedandincontrolofthevehiclewhencruise controlhasbeenengaged Neverleavethe drivingseatforanyreasonwhenthevehicleis underway 4 3Parkingsensors Parkingsensorsare...

Page 30: ...29 S AF E T Y AND S ECUR I T Y 5 Safetyandsecurity 5 1Fire 30 5 2SmokeAlarmOperation 30 5 3FireExtinguisher 30 5 4Escapepaths 30 5 5Children 31 5 6Ventilation 31 5 7COalarm 31 5 8Security 32...

Page 31: ...guisheritis suggestedthatthecampervanbeevacuated untilthepowderhassettled toavoidinhalation Afatpanfireshouldnothaveafireextinguisher aimedatit Itshouldbesmotheredwithafire blanket WARNING Provideoned...

Page 32: ...theCOdetector beactivatedthecauseoftheincomplete combustionmustbeinvestigatedpriorto reusingtheapplianceinquestion Itisadvisedthatfixedventilationpointsare checkedandcleaned ifnecessary onaregular bas...

Page 33: ...screenandonthelefthandsidefrontdoor pillar Makeanoteofthisnumberinthespace providedatthefrontofthishandbookandmake aseparatenoteofthenumbertokeepsafeat home Additionalsecurity Considerfittinganydevice...

Page 34: ...33 AR R I VAL AT S I T E 6 Arrivalatsite 6 1Positioningthecampervan 34...

Page 35: ...atyour campervanwillobstructotherscomingin Trytochooseanareawhichisdry reasonably levelandpreferablywithahardbase Ifyouhavenoalternativebuttopitchonaslope trytoensurethatyouarefacingdowntheslope forwh...

Page 36: ...eshwatersystem 39 7 6Tankheaters 40 7 7Troubleshooting 40 7 8Waterfaultfinding 42 7 9GasSchematic 44 7 10Gas 45 7 11Typesofgas 46 7 12Changingagascylinder 46 7 13ExternalBBQpoint 48 7 14Gasfaultfindin...

Page 37: ...pump itwilldraw waterfromthewatertank andpumpittothe campervankitchentapandshower Thepump isfittedwithitsownpressureswitch andwill continuetopumpwater untilthepressureof waterontheoutputofthepumpreach...

Page 38: ...rsystem Cleanthewatersystematthestartandendof theseasonwithsterilisingfluid Sterilising Whencleaningthewatersystematthestart ortheendoftheseasonitisadvisabletouse asuitablesterilisingfluidavailablefro...

Page 39: ...lesterilisingchemicalsareavailable fromyourcampervandealer accessory shop chemistorhome brewshops Itisnot however recommendedtousebleachorsodium metabisulphite Sterilising Donotuseproductsthatcontaina...

Page 40: ...if youareusingahosepipeorwatercarrier thatitisalsomadefromnontoxicmaterials preferablyfoodqualitymaterial 3 Thefreshwatertankisfittedwithamanual drainvalveonthetank whichwilldrainthe contentsofthefres...

Page 41: ...kupandchargeroperating then leisurebatterypowerconsumptionwillbe increased seeconsumptiontableonpage53 formoreinformation 7 7Troubleshooting Pumpwillnotstart whenthetapisopened Checkfuse s Checkpowers...

Page 42: ...ressuresideof thepumpisingoodcondition notblowingor deforming Noisyorroughoperation Checkforleaksonthehighpressureandlow pressuresideofthepump Ensurethatallpipes especiallythosewithin 150mmofthepump a...

Page 43: ...ismantleandcleanfilter See pumpmanufacturesinstructions Checkconditionofpipeandpipe jointsbetweenthewatertankand thepump Pumpdoesnotrun Pumpincorrectlywired Pumpfuseblown Batterydisconnected Pumpseize...

Page 44: ...e refer toelectricalsupplynote Disconnectandcheckthattheyhave atleast1 4 6 3mm bore Refertopumpservicinginstructions Dismantleandcleanifnecessary Checkandre routeifnecessary Checkallwaterconnections R...

Page 45: ...44 C ONNEC T I NG S E R V IC E S 7 9GasSchematic...

Page 46: ...scylinders Pushonhosesarenolongerpermittedunder thelatestregulations Thehigh pressurehoseshavethreaded connectionsandmustbesecurelyattachedto theregulatorandtothegascylinder Thehoseconnectiontothepres...

Page 47: ...gasappliances Closetheemptygascylinder svalve Removethehighpressurehosefromthegas cylinder Attachthehighpressurehosetothefullgas cylinder Openthefullcylinder svalve Checkthehoseconnectiontothecylinder...

Page 48: ...Iftheymustbekept insidemakesuretheyarewellawayfrom heat WARNING Donotuseapplianceswitha differentworkingpressureto30mbar WARNING Maintainadequatespacingof combustiblematerialsfromsourcesofheat WARNIN...

Page 49: ...s supplyof30or50mbarmustcorrespondwith theoperatingpressureoftheequipmentthatis beingconnected seedataplate Theplug inconnectioncanonlybemadeifthe quick actingvalveisclosed Thesafetylocking mechanismc...

Page 50: ...s0 C Grade3 Acampervanwithanaveragethermal transmittance u thatdoesnotexceed1 2w m2k andwhichcanachieveanaverage temperaturedifferenceofatleast35 Cbetween insideandoutsidetemperatureswhenthe outsidete...

Page 51: ...vice inthePSUbefore switchingon ThereisatestbuttonontheRCD totestthelever puttheleverintheupposition on beforetesting iNote AswiththeRCDitisgoodpractice tochecktheMinitureCircuitBreaker MCB inthePSU S...

Page 52: ...tmay beaslowas5amps Ifyourloadingexceedsthesitesupplyitmay tripthesitecircuitbreaker Pleasecheckthe availablemainsoutputwithyoursiteoperator Similarlyloadingsoneachcircuitbreakerwithin thevehicleshoul...


Page 54: ...frost element Winter pack Not applicable 3 0 W 2 5 amp each Not applicable Pressure switched water pump Not Applicable 2 4 W 2 0 amp Not applicable Note These are approximate figures for guidance only...

Page 55: ...54 C ONNEC T I NG S E R V IC E S...

Page 56: ...55 EL EC T R I C AL S Y S T E M S 8 ElectricalSystems 8 1Campervanbattery 56 8 2ControlandPowerSupplySystem 57 8 3FactoryfittedSolarEnergySystem 61...

Page 57: ...uetothe positionofthebatterybelowthepassenger seat dealerassistanceisrequiredtoremove theseat replacethebatteryorandre fitthe passengerseat WARNING Whenconnectingthebattery ensurethatthecorrectpolarit...

Page 58: ...e andwhenfitted tankheaters Two230v mains outletsarepresent one onthecontrolpanelandtheotherwithinthe wardrobe forusewhenthecampervanis connectedtoamains 230vsupply A12vsocketispresentintherearofthe c...

Page 59: ...eingcharged afigure of12vorhigherindicatesareasonablestateof charge Afigureatorbelow12vindicatesthebattery requirescharging Allowingthefiguretofall below11 5vshouldbeavoidedasthiscould reducethebothth...

Page 60: ...5A 20A 10A 15A 15A 10A 20A 5A Fuseandrelayassemblies Inadditiontothefusingprovidedaspartofthe Fordbasevehicle twosetsoffusesarefitted whichrelatetothehabitationarea12velectrical system Thesearelocated...

Page 61: ...RCDwithinthePSUandensurethe RCDisswitchedon leverinupposition Press the Test buttonandconfirmthattheRCDturns off leverindownposition SwitchtheRCD backtotheonposition leverinupposition If thetestbutton...

Page 62: ...pendingonthestateofthechargeofthe batteryitmaytakeafewhourstoseveraldaysto recoveradischargedbattery Forobviousreasonsthesolarpaneland regulatorwillonlyworkduringdaylighthours whereasthedemandsonthele...

Page 63: ...62 E LEC T R I C AL S Y S T EMS...

Page 64: ...2Refrigerator 67 9 3DometicHobandBowl 68 9 4GasCylinders Bottles 70 9 5Dometic972Toilet 71 9 6Swivelseats 72 9 7Omnistepslide outstep 72 9 8Careoflaminatetops tables furnitureanddoors 72 9 9Furnitured...

Page 65: ...uttonisusedtooperate select andprogramallthefunctionsandval uesin EasyStartPro Theoperatingbuttoncanbe turnedandpressed Turningselectsavalue functionwithina menu Turningtotherightincreasesavalueor sel...

Page 66: ...ingON Operatingtime107min Intheinputarea thesymboloftheselected menuitemappearsinthemiddleofthedisplay Thecorrespondingsettingvalueflashesinthe inputareaandcanbealteredwiththeoperating buttonbyturning...

Page 67: ...tion Ventilate Inthisoperatingmode theheatersupplies thevehicleinteriorwithfreshoutdoorairvia theventilationlouvres Thisoperatingmodeis onlypossibleifthefunctionissupportedbythe heaterversion seealsoT...

Page 68: ...hich areavailablefromthefollowinglocation https penguinfrigo co uk wp content themes genesis sample pdf VFC42DWL MANUAL pdf Ifyouareunabletoviewthedocumentsonline pleasecontactthesupplier yourdealeror...

Page 69: ...lybe usedbyresponsibleadults duringuseand immediatelyafterusetheburnerandother accessiblepartsmaybehot donottouch thesepartsandalwayskeepchildrenatasafe distance afterusingtheapplianceensurethe knob k...

Page 70: ...ime presstheelectronicingnitionpushbutton Once theburnerisalightmaintaintheknobinthis positionforafewsecondstoensuretheflame remainsalight CAUTION Iftheburnerdoesnotignite immediatelyrepeatignitionaft...

Page 71: ...otobstructor impedeaccesstothegasbottletopermitquick andeasyaccesswhenreplacing WARNING Whenreplacingthegasbottle alwaystakethefollowingprecautions a closeallgasknobs b makesuretherearenoflamesorfires...

Page 72: ...surfacesmustbecleanedonlywithwaterand soaporaneutraldetergent thoroughlyrinse anddry Usecleanspongesorclothstoclean Injectors WARNING Cleaningorreplacing gasinjectorsmustonlybeperformed byauthorisedan...

Page 73: ...own Ifthestepdoesnotretractbythemotor Removethefrontplateofthestep Fig 1 Removetheconnectionbetweenthe footboardandthearms withscrewdriverand wrenchS10 Slideoutthefootboard Reinstallthefrontplate Curr...

Page 74: ...epingroof driver ssideaswellaspassenger sside 4 Releasethelockingoftheroofaccordingto thefollowingfoursteps 1 Puttheturninghandleofthelocking upwards 2 Releasethelockingincounterclockwise direction 3...

Page 75: ...ntheupperbunksarebeing usedbychildren especiallyunder6yearsof age thesebunksarenotsuitableforuseby infantswithoutsupervision Closingthesleepingroof iNote Pleasemakesuretoopenatleast onedoororwindowsot...

Page 76: 3 Thelockingisfixedbyturningitin clockwisedirection 4 Finally theturninghandleisfolded upwards Thesestepsmustalwaysbeexecutedatthe driver ssideaswellasatthepassenger sside iNote Makesurethatthetent...

Page 77: ...pillar rearoftheslidingdoor Liftthefront barhandleandpullorpushinthedirection required Letgoofthehandleandtheseatwill clickintothelockabletravelingposition Foldingthebenchseat Standingfacingtheseat Pu...

Page 78: ...10 1Winterisation 78 10 2Generalcare 80 10 3Condensation 80 10 4ChangingExteriorBulbs 81 10 5Interior 82 10 6Careinstructionsfortheroofandtent 82 10 7Vehiclecare exterior 83 10 8Changinginteriorlightf...

Page 79: ...tedto 230vMainsHook up Ensurethattheleisurebatteryisconnected andtheleisurebatteryfuseisinplace Ensurethecontrolpanelhabitationarea powerswitchisintheOFFposition 57 Vehiclescanbeleftinthisconditionfor...

Page 80: ...orageifleftclosedforlongperiods Thoroughlyventilatethecampervanby openingdoorsorwindowsperiodically Placingwaterabsorbentcrystalsinthevan duringthewintermonths willhelpreduce moisturelevelsandmouldgro...

Page 81: ...shdownasyouwouldyourcar Donotusea spongeondirtywindows Whenallthedirthas beenremoved drywithaleatherorsimilartype ofcloth Thecatchesandstaysdonotrequire lubricating RemovingTar Useaproprietarytarremov...

Page 82: ...levelventsthroughthe floor itisimportantnottoblockthese e Electricalheatingisdryerthangasheating andintroduceslessmoistureintothe atmosphere Donotuseadditionalportable paraffinorflue lessgasheatersata...

Page 83: ...eleatherbytakingextra carewherethereisheatingorblownair outlets WorkSurfaces Youshouldnotstandveryhotitemsonanyofthe worksurfaces CupboardCatches Itisadvisabletolightlyoilallcupboardcatches slidingbol...

Page 84: ...etteringonthe outsideofthevehiclemustnotbecleanedwith high pressurecleanersastheycoulddetachor damagethesedecorations 10 8Changinginteriorlightfittings ThelightfittingsinyourcampervanareLED withnouser...

Page 85: ...84 C AM P E R VAN C AR E...

Page 86: ...1 1Specification 86 11 2WaterTankCapacities 88 11 3LPGTankCapacity 88 11 4CampervanTowingCapabilities 89 11 5JackingPoints 89 11 6Consumercircuitsfloorwithheater 90 11 7Powercircuits 91 11 8Consumerci...

Page 87: ...izes Rock RollBed 2 05mx1 11m 6 9 x3 8 RoofBed 1 89mx1 10m 6 2 x3 7 T ECHNI C AL I NF OR M AT ION 1 TheMaximumUserPayloadincludes Conventionalload thisistheallowancefor passengers Essentialhabitatione...

Page 88: ...6 9 x3 8 2 05mx1 11m 6 9 x3 8 1 89mx1 10m 6 2 x3 7 1 89mx1 10m 6 2 x3 7 T ECHNI C AL I NF OR M AT I ON Notesforoptions Thepayloadthatcanbecarriedwillreduceby themassoftheoptionsselected 3 PLEASETAKEC...

Page 89: ...NI C AL I NF OR M AT ION FreshWaterTank WasteWaterTank 40litre 40litre Capacity 1x7kg 11 2WaterTankCapacities 11 3LPGTankCapacity iNote Fortechnicaldataonthebasevehicle pleaserefertothemanufacturer sh...

Page 90: ...meetcertainminimumrequirementsas specifiedbyTypeApprovalRegulations Thebarwillhavemarkedonittheapproval standard 94 20 ECor55RECE andthe maximumdownload ornoseweight thatitcan accept Itmustfitthemanu...

Page 91: ...90 T ECHNI C AL I NF OR M AT ION 11 6Consumercircuitsfloorwithheater...

Page 92: ...91 T ECHNI C AL I NF OR M AT I ON 11 7Powercircuits...

Page 93: ...92 T ECHNI C AL I NF OR M AT ION 11 8Consumercircuitsroof...

Page 94: ...93 T ECHNI C AL I NF OR M AT I ON 11 9230Vcircuits...

Page 95: ...94 T ECHNI C AL I NF OR M AT ION 11 10Cablecolourchart...

Page 96: ...T I ON 12 Usefulinformation 12 1Ownersclub 96 12 2Sparesandaftersalescustomerservice 96 12 3Repairfacilities 96 12 4CaravanClubs 97 12 5MotoringAssociations 97 12 6TradeAssociation 97 12 7 Index 98 12...

Page 97: ...rectedthroughanySwift approveddealership astheSwiftGroupdoes notoperateadirectretailservice Weendeavourtosupplypartsforvehiclesup to8yearsold Iftheoriginalpartisnolonger availableyourdealershouldbeabl...

Page 98: ...ociations AutomobileAssociation AA FanumHouse Basingstoke Hants RG12EA Tel 08705448866 www theaa co uk e mail customer services theaa com RACMotoringServices RACMotoringServices 8SurreySt NorwichNorfo...

Page 99: ...hangingagascylinder 46 Changinginteriorlightfittings 83 Children 31 Childseats 21 Cleaningwatersystem 37 CleaningWindows 80 COalarm 31 Coastalcode 16 Connectingcablewiring 52 Connectingservices 35 Con...

Page 100: ...19 LPGTankCapacity 88 M ManualIgnitionHob 69 MassinRunningOrder 18 MaximumTechnicallyPermissible LadenMass 19 MaximumUserPayload 18 Modifications DIYwork 80 MotoringAssociations 97 MouldGrowth 81 N N...

Page 101: ...ricalsystem 50 TheExternalShowerPoint 37 Thermalinsulationheating 49 Threepointseatbelts 23 Typesofgas 46 Typicalapplianceconsumption 53 Tyres 20 U Usefulinformation 95 UseofSiteAppliances 14 V Vehicl...

Page 102: ...m firesafety weightsanddimensions togas electricsandventilation Everycampervan carriesthe NCCApprovedCampervan badge TheNCCalsoconductunannouncedinspections attheSwiftfactorytoensurecontinued complian...

Page 103: ...oad Cottingham EastYorkshireHU164JX iNote Warrantiesareonlytransferable providingthetermsandconditionsofthe warrantyhavebeenmetbytheprevious owner s Pleaseseewarrantyinformationat thebeginningofthisha...

Page 104: ...103...

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Page 106: ...SWIFTGROUP DunswellRoad Cottingham EastYorkshire HU164JX Tel 01482875740 Fax 01482840082 CustomerExperienceTeam enquiries swiftleisure co uk FINDOUTMOREATSWIFTGROUP CO UK...


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