Air flow meaurements in l/s and m
/h with set diameters.
= Real density (measured barometric
pressure and temperature)
Std = Standard density (1013 hPa & 20°C)
= Barometric pressure set manually
See chapter 6, “Settings” for more information on how to change be-
tween Real, Std and *.
Air Flow (l/s, m
/h or cfm)
SwemaAir 5 can measure air flow via three different methods. Swe
maAir 5 measures air flow in:
• Circular ducts with a given diameter
• Rectangular ducts with a given Height x Width
• Ducts with a given transversal area
To measure air velocity, press
Unit and air flow measurement in l/s
will be displayed, press
Unit once more for air flow in m
The air flow unit displayed
is the last unit SwemaAir 5
was set to. See chapter ”5.
Mode” for more information
on the different air flow
measurements and how to
change settings.
Barometric pressure & Temperature (hPa & °C)
Press Unit until hPa & °C is displayed. The baro
metric pressure and temperature shown on the
display will be the values SwemaAir 5 uses to
compensate for the density of air (air density
compensation is used on air velocity and air flow
When SwemaAir 5 is switched ON, it shows the
measured barometric pressure and Temperature
as standard.
When measurements are performed using air
density compensation, the text “Real” is dis-
played in the top left corner of the display, oth-
erwise the text ”Std” or ”*” is displayed.