SDHW. 180118
03/06/2015 Swegon reserves the right to make changes.
Control of cooling can be observed from a diagnostics
Main menu/Diagnostics/Heating and cooling.
Depending on the selected control mode, the set point
value is shown for room air control’s supply air or the set
point value for supply air control, the measured supply
air temperature and the heating and or cooling capacity.
Temperature boost
if the after heating works as the home’s primary heating
source and room air control is selected, you can use
heating boost. The function increases the ventilation
capacity variably to improve the efficiency of heating.
The function is put into service from the “Smart-
functions” menu
Main menu/Settings/Smart functions/
Temperature boost
The efficiency of the temperature
boost can be regulated by changing the heating boost.
Temperature boost works automatically, but it can be
temporarily taken out of service by changing the ven-
tilation mode. Boost will then be out of service for the
following six hours. During temperature boost you can
select Away and Boost speeds as normal. However, you
can decide whether the function should be permitted in
Away mode from the temperature boost menu.
Freeze protection
The air heater is equipped with anti-frost sensor that pro-
tects the air heater from freezing. The freeze risk alarm is
activated if the outdoor temperature is below 0 °C and
the return water temperature drops below the alarm
limit. If the return water’s temperature drops yet further,
the unit is switched off to prevent freezing. The unit
starts again, when the temperature of the return water or
the outdoor temperature has risen to a safe level.
The unit must be cleaned at regular intervals to obtain full
power from the air heater. The length of the service inter-
val is entirely dependent on the cleanliness of the air, and
of how well the filters and unit are maintained in general.
The air heater can be easily cleaned once the heater’s
cover has been removed. The inlet side of the air heater
is cleaned first with a brush, and then you can clean the
entire air heater with compressed air, water or steam.
Blow or wipe off dirt in the direction from the output
side towards the input side. Exercise care so that the
thin edges of the fins are not damaged.
6. Service
Stop the ventilation before servicing.
“UP2” = Internal temperature sensor in CASA control panel 2.
Relay control functions
If you wish to use relay control functions, e.g. for a
circulation water pump or a duct damper, the SET unit’s
relays can be programmed for the required function
from the
5. Use and function
The after heating is regulated automatically when the
outdoor temperature has fallen below the set limit value.
You can select supply air or room air control as the after
heating control method.
Main menu/Settings/(1234)/
Heating and cooling/Control methid
Supply air control
During the heating season you should attempt to keep
the supply air stable.
Due to the high efficiency of the heat exchanger,
the supply air temperature may be higher than the set
point value even though the outdoor air is cool.
Room air control
For room air control, the temperature of the supply air is
based on the measurement of the room air temperature.
It is possible, from the
Control mode
menu, to select the
highest and lowest set point for cooling and heating to
the supply air. The heating values should be kept close to
the comfort temperature for the heating season.
The control’s set point
The set point can be changed directly from the
Main menu
From the
Heating and cooling
menu you can also select
separate set point values for Away and Travelling modes.
Control type
Control type
Supply control max value
Cooling min setpoint
Supply control min value
Room air
Cooling max setpoint
Heating and Cooling
Eftervärme effekt
Supply air temperature
Summer mode
Supply air setpoint
Preheater status