Figure 3. Variant B: Heating and supply air function
1 = Primary air
2 = Induced room air
3 = Primary air mixed with heated room air
Figure 2. Variant A: Cooling and supply air function
1 = Primary air
2 = Induced room air
3 = Primary air mixed with chilled room air
Parasol Zenith is a 4-way air discharge comfort module
with induction function. Exactly as in a climate beam,
the supply air is used to operate the cooling and heat-
ing function of a central air handling unit and therefore
does not include an integrated fan or other moving parts.
This gives very quiet operation and minimal maintenance
requirements. Unlike a 2-way air discharge climate beam,
air distribution to the room occurs from all 4 sides of the
unit, which means as large areas of the ceiling as possible
are used to spread the air, thus ensuring comfort in the
occupied zone.
Parasol Zenith has variable k-factor setting and large air
flow range. The product is available both as a CAV
product with fixed k-factor and is easy to upgrade to a
VAV function with the help of different accessories. It is
also possible to order as a VAV variant from the factory
fitted with control or actuator for air flow control (0-10 V)
(see Parasol Zenith VAV b)
23/03/2019 Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications.
Zenith b