Goldstar VCRs
1. TU/AV or TV/AV on remote
2. Press MENU, choose either TUNER or TUNING BAND, then choose SOURCE SELECT, then choose AV.
3. Either a TUNER/LINE or TV/LINE switch in the front panel.
4. Input switches automatically when the AV cables are plugged in and it’s in VCR mode 5.
Line or AV button in front panel or on remote
Goldstar TV/VCR Combos
1. Press TUNER/LINE on the TV or remote
2. TV/CATV/AV or just an AV button on remote
Hitachi TVs
1. AVX or AUX button on TV or remote
2. FUNCTION, MODE, INPUT, or AUX button on the front of the TV (sometimes behind hidden panel)
3. Channel 91 or an Aux channel below 2
Hitachi VCRs
1. Aux or Line channel located below 2
2. AVX or AUX button on remote (occasionally it’s located behind a hidden panel on the VCR)
3. Channel 91
4. Press INPUT in the VCR‘s front panel .
Hitachi TV/VCR Combos
• INPUT button on remote
JC Penney
All JC Penney TVs and VCRs are manufactured by other companies (RCA, JVC, Emerson, etc.) If the following
information doesn’t get you going, look for the manufacturer‘s name on the back of the TV or VCR. If you’re
unable to find it, JC Penney can let you know who the manufacturer is, as long as you have the model number
handy. JC Penney TV’s
• TV/VIDEO button on the front of the TV
JC Penney VCRs
1. Aux channel below 2
2. Input switches automatically when the AV cables are plugged in, and it‘s in VCR mode
3. Press MENU, choose VCR SETUP, then choose INPUT, switch to LINE or VIDEO
4. Input or TU/AV button on remote
JC Penney TV/VCR Combos
• INPUT button on remote