AMI Turbitrace
Instrument Setup
A-96.250.131 / 050220
Instrument Setup
After the analyzer is installed according to the previous instructions,
connect the power cord. Do not switch on power, yet!
4.1. Establish Sample Flow
The pressure regulator valve only works if the inlet
pressure at the main flow control valve is 0.5 bar higher than the
outlet pressure. The 500 mm capillary tube reduces the
pressure by a further 0.5 bar. Therefore, the pressure within the
sample tube must be at least 1 bar, or better 1.5 bar.
Periodic pressure variations in the sample tube can cause
pulsations of the pressure regulator valve. This can be
eliminated by using a pulsation attenuator in the inlet tube.
Pull out the adjusting knob of the pressure regulator valve and
open the valve.
Wait until the measuring chamber is full and the sample flows
via overflow into the waste.
Switch on power.
First, the analyzer performs a self test, displays the firmware
version and then starts normal operation.
Regulate the sample flow with the pressure regulator valve to
6–18 l/h.
The sample flow (in l/h) is shown on the transmitter display.
Push in the adjusting knob to lock the valve.