User Manual
Press «Record» button and then you need
to press key combination that you want to use in
the future. The pressed keys will be displayed in
window «List of buttons».
Caution! When you enter macros, charac-
ters will only be language whose interface
will be active at the moment. For example,
if macros are written from the English in-
terface, then characters will be in English,
it s impossible to switch the input language
from English to Russian and vice versa.
4. To end recording, press the «Stop» button.
Program will save macro settings. If necessary,
in already created list of macro commands, it is possible to add additional commands, click
«Insert» and select desired command from list.
Save, download profile
«Office» profile is set by default. There
are four such profiles.
You can save the profile settings to a file
by clicking «Import». «Export» button
loads earlier saved file. «Reset» button
resets the settings. «Save Settings»
saves the current mouse settings.
«Appl» button saves the software
Fig. 10.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 12.
Fig. 13.