Page 1: ... ET UP ffiAilUA ...
Page 2: ...cial information tomakemaintenance easieror instructians clearer Pleasenote however thatthe warnings andcautions contained in thismanual cannotpossibly coverall potential hazards relating to the servicing or lackof servicing of the outboard motor In addition to the WARNINGS andCAUTIONS stated youmustusegoodjudgement andbasicmechanical safety principles Indicates a potentlalhazardthat could resulti...
Page 4: ...llfind these symbols used through outthismanual Flefer backto thistableifyouarenotsureofanysymbol s meanings SYMBOL DEFINITION SYMBOL DEFINITION g Torque control required Databesideit indicates specified torque 1J1E13l Apply THHEAD LOCK 1342 ApplySUZUKI WATER FIESISTANT GREASE Usespecialtool ApplySUZUKI SILICONE SEAL MATERIALS REOUIRED SUZUKISILICONE SEAL 99000 31120 50g 1 7oz ...
Page 5: ...owered as thiswill notallowtheperformance balanceyou are tryingto achieve Determinethe customefs needs applicatian and useof theperspective rig to makethe best overal I horsepowe r reco mmendation MOTORDIMENSIONS Do not overpoweryour boat Neverinstall an outboardmotorwlth horsepowerexceedingthe boatmanufacturer s recommended maximum Excessive horsepower will havean adverseeffect on hull safetyand ...
Page 6: ...ealant SUZUKISTLICONE SEALor equivalent shouldbe appliedtoallbolt holes lf tightening torquecannotreachta thespecifiedtorquedueto weaktransom material it is necessary to reinforce thetransom boardwithan attachment plate ITRANSOMDIMENSIONS Item Partname Partnumber Q ty o F rF v Bolt M12 Washer Large Washer Small Lockwasher Nut cap 091 00 1 2083 091 60 12044 091 60 1 2066 091 62 12005 09140 12028 41...
Page 7: ...J01 09160 06055 0938s 0601 2 1 1 J 2 I 2 NOTE Beforeperformingthe foltowingprocedures be sure thatthe throttle clutch controlcablesare instatted in the remotecontrol box accordingto the REMOTECONTROLBOX SET JP tN STRUCTION forRemotecontrolmodelonty Partname Partnumber Q ty Controlcable 16ft a 9m Controlcable 18ft 5 5m Controlcable 2oft 6 1m Control cable22ft 6 7m 67320 89J50 67320 89J60 67320 89J7...
Page 8: ...ll theclutchcontrolcableO andthrottle controlcable _ totnegrommet 3 Secure thecableO and intnecableholder oytitting groove onthecableintoa slotontheholder NOTE RefertothepageI forinstallingwireharnessto thegrommet 4 Installthecablestopper by the bolt 5 Position the remotecontrolhandleinto NEUTRA r 5 ...
Page 9: ...ns withthepivotpin onthethrottle control arm 13 Settheconnector ontothepivot pin withtheflatsideof connector towards thearm 14 lnstall thewasher andlockpin thentighten thelock nut 15 Move theremote controlhandle tothefullyopened position andreturn ittotheneutral position again Make surethatthe throttle isfullyclosed CAUTION Cableconnectorsand turnbacklesmustbethreadedat least8 mm 0 3in onto cable ...
Page 10: ...ableconnector tighten thelocknutandmove theremote control handle tothefully opened position andbackto the in gearidleposition to confirm thattheCTPswitchis nowcorrectly adjusted switch inthe ON position continuity indicated 6 Whencorrect switchadjustment hasbeenconfirmed remove thevolt Ohm meterandreconnect the CTPswitch harness lead NOTE Failuretoproperlyadjustthe CTPswitchmaycausethe engineto st...
Page 11: ...le Speed meterpickup tube NOTE For theprocedureto installoptionaltrimsender meter and re latedparts referto the TRIM SENDER KIT TNSTALLATION lN STRUCTIONS thatcomes suppliedwitheachunitoftrimsender kit 3 Connect themonitor gaugewireharness to theengine side thenpress fittheconnector intotheholder 4 Connect theremote control wireharness andPTTwires to theengineside thenpressfittheconnector intothe ...
Page 12: ...readed into positionandtorqued Procedure 1 Thread thesteering cableseal ontotheportsideendof themotortilttrrrbe O 2 ApplySUZUKI WATEB RESISTANT GREASE to thesteer ingcable 3 Insert thecable intothetubeO fromthestarboard side thentighten thecable retaining nut tothetorque specified bythecablemanufacturer NOTE On mostoutboard motorinstallations it willbe necessaryto in siaiithesieeringcabiepriorio i...
Page 13: cableuntiltheholeofdraglink aligns withtherearthreadholeonthesteering bracket Connect thedraglinktothesteering bracket bytightening thebolt withthespacer andwashers asshown l aon 34N m 3 4kg m 24 slb ft Tighten thesafe nut withthewasher l Satetynut D 34 N m 3 4kg m 24 5lb ft NOTE Afterassembly checkfor smooth andfreesteeringoperation by turningthesteering wheetallthewayto therightand tefl s 6 ...
Page 14: ... 1 lnstalt thetie rod bracket ontheendofsteering bracket using thebolts andwashers t eot 85N m 8 5kg m 61 0lb ft 2 Install thetie rod assye on the bottomsideof tie rod bracket withthespacer positioned in between using thebolt aon 5o N m 5 0kg 36 0lb ft 3 Tighten thenut totneendofbolt thathasbeeninstalled inthestep2 above When tightening the nut holdthebolt securely soasnottocomeloose S ttut 30N m ...
Page 15: ...yfromeachotherwiththedifferen tialL1 L2within 25mm 1inch NOTE Thecenterto center distancefor twinengineinstailationis mini mum635mm 25 in 2 Thetwoengine wakes should meettogether atapproximately 20rn 25mbehind them Recommend rigging procedure Forthebestresult it is recommended thatthefollowing be checked 1 Asshown inillustration cutfour pieces oftape which comes provided inthiskitandstickthematthe...
Page 16: ...ideengine aswellasonthe starboard sidetapeoftheportsideengine lfanyoftheabove conditions presents adjust thetie rod length toeither shorter orlonger asappropri ateby approximately 5 mmat a time Repeat theprocedures in thesteps 1 to 4 untilallthefour aluminum tapesshowtheequal contact condition 3 a s Damaged aluminumtapescan no longerbe usedfor the subsequentadiustmentand therefore shouicibe repiac...
Page 17: ...nitor gauge O thenplugthemount hole 2 Remove thetachometer 3 connecttheadapter wireharness between themonitor tachometer O andmonitor gaugewirehar ness asshown 4 Installthe monitor tachometer totheholeoforiginaltachometer 5 Connect theadapter wireharness between the engine andthemonitor gaugewireharness as snown Lbr P Ef Y GF w I Item Partname Partnumber Q ty Fr Adapter wireharness meter side Adap...
Page 18: ... Installthelinkplate forpush o open lnstallthe upperbackcover by the screws Afterconnecting the throttlecontrolcable installthe lower l2p14 6rlryor 6 hrr fhe e rori q NOTE Fortheprocedure toconnectthecontrolcablesto theremote controlbox referto the REMOTE CONTROL BOXSETUP INSTRUCTION thatcomessuppliedwitheachunitofremote controlbox Be carefulnot to missany items washer spaceretc when reassembling ...
Page 19: ...erfuiire harness X o otr EN q OE zo oo g o 0 E E F FfFff Ttfl c o q ID c r g oO 9 cB trc E F c r 9o J 19O EDC ox 3 q o c 6 B 5 n Ctr E Jo f O c f 3 E f Lrs di I r e E o i gffgg s f 4 0E rq Emd65 E E3 ig c q tr o o o 3 o E o o I NM TT F 2 16 ...
Page 20: ...DUALENGINE E il1 ri t 6t I6 T x o o J o IE F 2 o q l F co E u l E zE 7q2 srY J3 L AP g8 EB u6 EE E HE E e6 0 FirEirb Eliil eo U E5 IE ix I z a t z i i b t iH o dd H88 Ft EI I u fi o i F p E a o z E t x 2E tg F oq F 17 ...
Page 21: ...Prepared by SUZUKI IIOTOR CORPORATION Marine Power ProductsDivision December 2UUl PartNo 99505 92J00 0lE Printed in Jaoan ...