Tx Format
This property defines the format of the data sent in self-timed transmissions (as well as alarm
transmissions when Alarm Data = “AllSensors”). The following formats are supported:
ASCII Column
ASCII human readable format with sensor values in columns. Each
row represents data from a previous measurement interval
Binary format per WMO BUFR specification for transmission and
6-bit “binary” format, interleaved
PseudoBin-B Non-Int
6-bit “binary” format, non-interleaved
6-bit “binary” format, non-interleaved, with additional meta data
ASCII human readable format using SHEF codes
ASCII human readable format using SHEF codes, where data appears
in fixed width format of 7 chars
ASCII human readable format based on NIFC requirements
ASCII human readable format based on NFRDS requirements
ASCII human readable format
Sutron Standard Protocol, binary format
ASCII human readable text format, with alarm flags
Appendix A – Telemetry Formats
, for detailed definitions of each of the formats.
Num Values
When the selected format is interleaved (e.g., ASCII Column or PseudoBin-B), the number of
data values to include for each selected data item must be the same for all selected items, and so
is entered in this dialog (rather than where it is normally entered, in the ISBD telemetry block
For example: if Num Values is 4, and ISBD blocks tag the two data points, “HG” and “HF”, then
the last 4 values of HG and HF appear in the transmit message.
Alarm Data
Alarm Data can be either “SensorsInAlarm” or “AllSensors”. When set to the latter, alarm
transmissions contain the same data as is found in self-timed transmissions, i.e., all data tagged
with an ISBD block in the graphical setup (as well any data points tagged in EzSetup). However,
when Alarm Data is “SensorsInAlarm”, only the data
triggering the alarm
is included in the